May 28th, 2015 at 09:43 pm
HI all
I never had the 6 homes I have properly inspected before purchase and long timers on my blog know that that was a mistake. I do not like the uncertainty and not being in the know so I am going to get them inspected now. I got a few referrals so calling and getting someone good to walk through then inside and out and point out any major issues. Not sure of cost yet but I feel it will be worth it.
These are long term cash flow properties so need them SOLID.
Property manager and I are thinking of pulling another home out of section 8.
I may be coming into a $10k bonus so if so will devote that into making these homes 'solid'... some may be fine already.
Still saving as much as I can and having less stress w the homes but having an inspector guy to review the homes will be helpful
also attend the landlord meetings next week
Posted in
6 homes-rentals,
3 units-rentals,
May 26th, 2015 at 03:18 am
Hi all
Dad reported me to 911 for theft today. I took his car this week on the Dr and facilities recommendation. Reason for the recommendation is his confusion, weakness, inability to do 2 things at one time (look at street signs and drive) , confessed almost rear ending several people the last time he was out, likely potential for him getting lost and the last time he as out (right before the car was removed) he got lost for 4 hours and had to rely on a good Samaritan to drive him and the car back and they had to stop at a few different assisted living places until they found the right one.
What if he had hit someone? What if the good samaritan was not so good?
Anyway I talked to the police who were fine w it but they recommended I re-explain it to Dad tomorrow night which I will do,
Meanwhile Dad's girlfriend (in Wisconsin) sent me the the following email:
Your Dad just called to tell me you stole his car. He said he noticed it was missing about 0900 this morning and reported it to the front desk who said 'your daughter has it'. He did say the police were there and you would be coming by tomorrow around 4. He plans to steal his car back from you and take the keys 'violently'. Take (boyfriend) with you. He said he just doesn't understand why his car should be taken away just because he got lost. I said Sunrise and Dr. XXXX recommended you not drive for the time being. He said I should be 'on his side' and he needs to drive to work. He said he was packed up and ready to drive home. Finally he became exasperated with me and told me he was going to hang up.
So very difficult .. one day at a time.
Dad is being further evaluated this week. And I plan to continue to hang on to his car.
Posted in
May 23rd, 2015 at 03:21 pm
HI all
Just musing here.
Dad has made me realize or struck home that life is REALLY short. Seeing him confused is VERY SCARY and makes me want to make the best use of my time and to watch my health what I eat, drink etc.
I do not want to waste time with things I do not want anymore or 'settle'. So re thinking some things in my life.
rental updates.
The drama w the homes and 3 units is leaving me which is nice. No dramatic updates. Moved in those 2 folks. Got 4 renewals on the 3 units.. 2 more for the Fall at the much higher rent and we are not concerned. NO MAJOR work needed immediately. I could re-side the place but no need too. I just did a major tree trimming.
City inspection is quoted and funded.
Laundry money is UP
6 homes
1. short term lady moving out next Thursday. We start showing Monday and have 6 possibles lined up to see it. Hoping it rents soon.
2. Property manager is now a preferred vendor with that local insurance company with people in need of short term housing due to fires etc. He just filled one of his other homes at a $500 premium. Mine was not available yet but bodes well for the future that we may be able to do that again
3. other long term lady SHOULD be moving out end of this month. hopefully she is but my guess is maybe not. that house needs the rehab (not quoted)
4. everyone else is fine. I have section 8 inspections on the 4 homes every year and they are not fun. Inspectors appear to want to find something every time. I may look to remove other homes from the program. Others are doing so and Section 8 housing is hard to find. I am tracking how much they cost each year
5. repairs in general are down across the homes .. like break/fix repairs which means the proactive approach has worked
6. got to do some landscape work on 1 home but really feeling fairly in control
I am now forecasting that even with all the repairs I will end the year with $15k in that account and am holding onto $8k to fund forecasted repairs outside of the $15k
Job is fine..working 50-55 hours. LOTS of money but tiring
I need and now have a goal to find HOBBIES, interests, friends outside of real estate and my not for profit
I am in general unsatisfied w my life and want to be happy. No reason to wait to do that until the homes are paid off. I am seeing someone and am in general not satisfied w that too or just stressed or both. I will make some decisions on that in the next few months.
I am trying to get my arms around Dad's finances. He has much more than I had thought and all (ALL) of it is in cash accounts. I want to speak to someone to hep me consolidate and put that into safe interest bearing accounts.He will have about $1MM total cash after the house. any thoughts for advisers or what to do w the money? Plan was to keep a year worth of costs out of the market and invest the rest??
Also house should sell and close in these next 3-4 weeks..
he is not doing super awesome. VERY confused. Very bad. Last week he got into his car and got lost for 4 hours and was found by a good samaritan and driven back. We took away the car and he has an eval next week to see what stage of dementia/alzhemiers he is in. He is NOt happy at the assisted living place and I am not sure how to act. Is he not happy because he thinks he is on an airforce base being forced to re-enlist or am I holding him against his will in a place he does not want to be at? Do I act for his safety or his happiness and he is so confused not sure what to do
He says 'he hates himself, hates his life, wonders if I hate him and he wants to kill himself'
very bad.
Posted in
6 homes-rentals,
3 units-rentals,
General rental updates
May 15th, 2015 at 10:53 pm
Hi there
We got the 2nd renewal at the 3 units. so so far 4 units turned over to $600 (out of 6).. 2 left to go . There leases are up September and November.. 3 units are STABILIZING.. yay
and got folks waiting to see the house that is vacating by that short term insurance lady. We charged the insurance company $1435 but market is more like $1200 so getting a rent decrease there on a 1 year lease.
Posted in
6 homes-rentals,
3 units-rentals
May 15th, 2015 at 09:35 pm
Hi all
Still putting a good amount of money in savings..$20k so far for the year not including the 401k
Expecting $14000 of fix up costs this year on the homes/3 units. Got $8000 towards that with only $6k left to find/earn/make up. This math will keep me at $15k emergency fund by end of year which is my goal
I was thinking of taking out the $15k rental fund from my networth calculation. what do you guys think?I really will not use it for anything but real estate . and need it that high for the first few years to fix these up. weather changes..maybe just in general ALWAYS keeping $15k
Two houses move outs at the end of the month. Already showing one... and have fix up work on the other so will have to fix up/rehab first and then show (more downtime)
So far. got 3 units turned over or re-leased at the 3 units (6 total units).. All at $600 ..all look good. I also raised the security to $900. NO current vacancies. Waiting for this one guy to get out or re--sign his lease at $600 for June 1 and then got 2 more who renew in a few months. So after these homes and this guy and this fix up work. things should quiet down.
Overall happy w the rental property manager change but want to fine tune it. These homes are long term. need to hone my process and relationships to lower stress and tighten things up.
Dad gave me his guns. selling for $2000 approx (on consignment) that will go towards the rental fix up.
INVESTMENTS. how do you guys allocate? I have been reading up on this and thinking about doing an investment policy statement with my long term goals and strategy. . currently thinking.
10 % bond
15 % international
75% aggressive stock fund
All at Vanguard.
What are your thoughts. Thanks
Still plan to refinance the house in August to a 15 year loan with closer to a 3% rate. currently at 5.35. This will not change my payment significantly. possibly raise it probably $300 a month.
Posted in
6 homes-rentals,
3 units-rentals,
May 14th, 2015 at 10:07 pm
GOALS w status.
1. $15k rental EF-POSSIBLE but need to rebuild fund by almost $8k by end of year to make this goal
2. $35k increase in savings/investments-DONE and striving higher.
3. 1 Roof for 6 homes-BUDGETED AND ORDERED
4. Decrease negative cash flow on rentals by $400/mth-VERY POSSIBLE but pending, at $380 increase now but taking a $235 decrease on one and further increases pending still on 5 others.
5. Stay within maintenance and vacancy budget for all rentals-VERY possible still
6. Make all 6 homes/3 units payments-VERY LIKELY
7. Fully fund Roth account-DONE
Posted in
6 homes-rentals,
3 units-rentals,
General rental updates
May 14th, 2015 at 09:41 pm
Hi all,
Been laying low. traumatized by this 'Dad situation'.
Dad is in assisted living and not liking it and all sorts of issues. We did get a contract on his house which he signed ..no close date yet.. house is in Wisconsin..but he is very confused and upset. I have a POA for finance but no access to his account. Girlfriend is leaving and sortof dumping everything on me. I am struggling to catch up and learn everything. Takes LOTS of time.. need to get handle on his accounts, assisted living, bills, house et..
Overwhelming and Dad and I were not close. Weird. not sure how to act or what to do.
Anyway. unfortunately makes me think of how life is so short. VERY SCARY seeing Dad like this. so looking into long term care insurance.
Rough quote $1770 a year with inflation protection for $4500 a month of care.. you pay that amount for life. That was a rough high level quote . may be less or more based on more factors but overall MUCH less than I had thought.
I had one major event. TIA (mini stroke) at 36-37 due to a PFO (opening in your heart that did not close after birth. they check for thsi in kids now but older folks find out when they have a TIA from it or die). anyway. they closed the PFO ... no residual effects, no meds. but that counts against me and if you have 2 you are uninsurable.
I have an indepth interview/webinar to get a clear quote etc then you need to apply and wait 6-8 weeks to be accepted.
What have other people done? They have less benefits than $4500 (w inflation adjustments) for less cost and most likely I will have the rentals.
Does this offset the need to save so much for retirement?
I AM REALLY freaked out and aware of how short life is w seeing Dad.
is dementia at 76 early? or normal?
REALLY feeling the need to retire early and figure things out w this pressure of not having enough time left..and seeing Dad deteriorate at 75
Posted in
May 1st, 2015 at 04:06 pm
HI all
Just diarying the journey today and should do that more often.
1. work still fine, working 50 hours a week, making more than I ever did, raised 401k to 19% from me (and get a 3% match credited at the end of the year)-SPEECH CAME BACK!! yay.
2. doing a roof and turning over a house this month (roof is $3500. house is getting quoted)..
3. 2 tenants moving out end of May... one is long term and house requires updating. one house we should be able to clean and turn over quickly
4. 3 unit "turning over bad tenants/raising rents effort" is progressing but definitely more stressful than I had thought but still on track., We DID go down in rents from our projected $630 across all units to $600 across all units. Still hoping to have the bulk of this smoothed out at the end of May
5. projecting $17,600 worth of long term improvements this year between my house and the homes and 3 units. I will have to take $7600 out of the rental emergency fund to fund that and them replace that by end of year
6. still trying to save every month. $12k saved since the start of the year NOT including 401k
7. $28k increase in investments since start of year (with appreciation and new cash put in).. goal was $35k. Raising goal to $50k for the year
8. Dad is moving in to assisted lviing tomorrow .. 5 minutes from the house. big life change for him and me.. adding stress
9. lost wallet and 6 homes check last week (caused lots of stress.. ) almost had to replace the 6 homes check ($5100)but got it worked out.
10. still planning to refinance the house to a 15 year loan in August. I am currently on a 30 year loan paying almost 5.3.. rate should drop to 3.15 or something
2 years 9 months til 6 homes paid off but hoping for an easier year next year as we raise rents and take care of finalizing the bulk of the long term improvements this year.
Have not had ANY time to work on coming up with an extra $119k to pay off the homes at the end of this year but have 2 friends doing fix and flips. t hey are newbies but are estimating making $40-60k each.. being newbies maybe it will be much less but still interesting
We will see how it goes but I have friends who are NOT newbies, more experts, who do them and DO make that amount. I need access to cash (not my own) and TIME to THINK and RELAX (has been in super short supply lately)
Posted in
6 homes-rentals,
3 units-rentals,
April 22nd, 2015 at 07:41 pm
HI all
Been out for a while.. LOTS going on w Dad.. a little down. my speech (stutter) has taken a major turn for the worse.. and working on other stuff.
Anyway.. a good accountant is worth their weight in gold.
Worked with accountant (took some time) as this year was A LOT (lost the 2 flat, and refinanced my house twice after buying it in a hard money deal) and got a great refund coming.
Anyway.. refund $13,568. Crazy!
$4500 goes to the Roth IRA
$1000 wil go to regular investments (taxable)
Much (if not all) of the rest will fund this years 6 homes/3 units improvements.
We are working on tenants for both the 3 units places and will firm up tomorrow likely.. the 2nd person we were tossing moved on her own. Both have tentative move in dates of May 1 once signed.
Hopefully no vacancies there in a while! (but still have 2 more rents to raise)
Expecting the S8 lady to move out end of May .. along w the short term lease lady. so will have to fill 2 homes this year. Section 8 people generally stay a long time so when this one moves (7 year tenant) we have some updating to do and then hopefully can get another long term tenant. We took the short term lease lady because her lease bridged the gap between a bad time of year (winter) to early spring setting us up to re-rent it well to a longer term person. Also she paid like $300 more a month.
this is a BIG year for turnover though! Costly
and all the same time of year.
Hopefully next year will be much less.
Posted in
6 homes-rentals,
3 units-rentals,
April 6th, 2015 at 03:02 pm
Hi guys
I am trying to put as much as I can into investment. mostly (all) mutual funds. some health care. some balance retirement year funds. I keep hearing the stock market bubble is going to burst.
Are you guys pulling out of the market?
What do you recommend?
Do you think it is going to burst?
Seems like every time it went down it went right back up and if you stayed in (vs selling) you were ok.
Posted in
April 2nd, 2015 at 05:48 pm
HI all
My rent increase with section 8 went through and all it took was an email, call and filing out a form. WOW. got almost a $200 increase on a long term tenant.
Getting lots of good showings on our vacant apartment and other person we are tossing did not qualify for enough disability so expecting her to leave shortly.. Both will go up to $650 so so far on the 3 units I will have raised the rents $205/month . and the 6 homes $186 a month since the start of the year. hoping for more .. I WILL likely take a cut when that short term lease lady moves out so can not count yearly totals til we are at the end of year. Goal was to raise rents $400 across the board across all units. I want to exceed that and stay within the maintenance budget. note: rehab and roof money does not come from my maintenance budget it comes from the rental long term/or emergency fund.. so that will need to be either built up now or replenished later so I end the year at $15k
In other news.
car paid off!
and another $350 towards investments today and managed to vacation for 6 days with no noticeable decrease ins savings.
and set up $50 Vanguard auto invest per month (difference in car insurance w dropping the Tahoe)
facing some big costs though
1. city inspection on the 3 units.. estimate a few thousand (new code rules regarding water heaters and furnaces across ALL units)
2. remainder of the city inspection on 2 homes. minor outdoor work
3. roof on one house
4. turn over one house that has a long term tenant. estimating at least 4k?
But as I turn over these long term tenants the homes are getting updated so the 'update/rehab the whole house' is not yearly expense. (thank the lord)
Posted in
6 homes-rentals,
3 units-rentals,
March 25th, 2015 at 06:38 pm
3rd row seats came and fit (sign of relief)
Tahoe sold (very sad)
$30 less for insurance/month. not a big savings.. but saving on maintenance, license/registration etc long term.
Need to figure out another 4 x 4 wheel option or if I even need one when that time comes. Rescue may need one and maybe can help pay for a more used one
Not thinking of that now
For now..
$295 more towards savings
put rental fund up to $15000
and sent check to pay off the car.
Posted in
March 25th, 2015 at 04:25 pm
hi all
unit that was vacated looks fantastic. We will do a quick clean and re-rent. listing it for the weekend
I am going to a local landlord meeting April 14.. meet people and learn. I am looking forward
and finally seeing the 6 homes/3 units for what they were . a good deal but not a 'turnkey' situation more a deal where the sellers were sortof 'done' and rents were lower, management was 'ok' and the places needed some fix up.
I went into it thinking 'oh this will be relatively turn key'
Anyway glad I had the money to fix them up and hang in there through the turnovers (JUST starting on the 3 units this year) and the lack of rent.
I feel very good though that this was a good long term buy and feel I have 'turned the corner' and it is getting easier and easier and smoother and smoother.. and really when I am done I will be in a better position then had I not done the rentals and just 'saved' and actually even better then if I had kept the OLD rentals that I lost in foreclosure(those I paid too much for it. Only thing I wish was I had not used up my IRAs in the past..
that is the past. looking forward to the future
and just did the FIRE calculator thing and with a conservative estimate of savings $100k and my rentals paid off (4/2019 for ALL of them) I have no lines going to zero!
Posted in
6 homes-rentals,
3 units-rentals,
March 24th, 2015 at 08:17 pm
3 unit update. Looking up!
1. Guy we were throwing out is OUT! Property manager will assess the apartment tomorrow Am for repair/clean up but looked great last week. Will list for the weekend if looks good. Rent will be $650 and we are going to ask for $800-900 security. I will also have manager have Section 8 look at it. to see for the future what they would pay for it. He talked to Section 8 before and they were thinking $700 or so.
2. lady we went to court with today. Court went well. Basically 'we won" and got the judgeent. Move out date 4/14. It was set so far ahead because the tenant's income situation changed and she may be able to pay the back rent, attorneys fees and a higher rent and says she want too. We will see. If we do not work out something her date to get out is 4/14 and she WILL have increased income so hopefully can do that.
3. I also meet with the property manager tonght. We talk all the time but I meet w him once a quarter. I have a list go go through.
Feeling MUCH better w 6 homes/3 units this year. more proactive. less reactive. more in control
ALSO finally did my excel sheet summarizing up everything from the 6 homes/3 units for taxes for last year. Gave that to my accountant. I expect to have news on how much of a refund I will get either this week or end of next. Hoping for at least $10k
I also now have a process (MUCH better process) to track every month, track to goals and this process will allow me to just print it off at the end of the year and voilah! I am ready for taxes.
VERY happy I got rid of the other lady property manager
Put $500 to Vanguard. Rest of car money will towards the rental emergency fund and the Genesis payoff
Posted in
3 units-rentals,
General rental updates
March 21st, 2015 at 02:51 pm
Tahoe sold. (fast. and sad to see it go)
$21600.. (Carmax offer was $19k so think I did pretty well)
They put down $500 and need to finalize w their bank .. pick up is set for Thursday which is also when I will have the 3rd row seats. If you recall I sold them on ebay thinking I would keep the Tahoe and then a few months later decided to sell it. I bought seats on Ebay last night so pretty even exchange
Money will go towards
1. $17800-pay off Genesis (this car was $32k to me when I bought). it was a 2011 and bought in 2012. will try to buy older cars in the future.. 2-3 years old vs ONE year old..so I do not pay out such a large amount in the future.
2. The rest will go to finish off the emergency fund (for rentals) and maybe savings
Will put the savings from reduced insurance on an auto pilot monthly investment allocation
Hoping to get these 3 units turned over and filled soon (the ones we are working on moving out bad tenants. one for sure out Tuesday or soooner and then plan is to rerent for the 1st.. one has court 3/24)
Posted in
March 20th, 2015 at 07:39 pm
Hi all
Tahoe ad is up on Craigs list Hoping for $22k for a 2008 Tahoe LTZ w 88k miles.
Fingers crossed.
Brother dropped off $300 this month for the privilege of using my address.. sent itright to vanguard. I should get this every month.
Talked to Section 8 on my rent increases. They are submitting 1 house that is now at $975 in for approval at $1111 a month. Hope it works. (very easy way to raise the rent on long term tenants if it does.. teannt portion does not go up) The other 2 are not eligible as the people in them have only 1 bedroom 'vouchers' but choose to stay in a much larger house so for then I need to move them on to raise the rent.
The short term insurance lady moves out at the end of April. she pays $1435. We are looking to re-rent at $1250 or so. She paid more because her lease was short term. I expect minimal fix up there as we just fixed it up and she has kept it up well. should rent fast.
Other lady (section 8) rent $950 is moving out around the same time. end of April . end of May. We will need to update that house and will expect $1100-12oo in rent when we do. I expect to lose a few weeks here fixing this up.
Things are still in the works on the 3 units. Hoping that one guy gets out over the weekend but if he does not all his stuff wil be set outside (extra $200) on the lawn Tuesday.
Court date for other lady 3/24 too
and 3rd 'slow payer'.. his lease is up 5/15 and we can not apparently serve him for just a late fee. Property manager is going to talk to him and see his intentions etc. His rent will go up to $630 if he stays..if he misses rent we will start fileing.. so his rent will go up 6/1 to $630. if he misses that we will serve him
I think people are seeing we have pretty good units in a nice neightborhood at a good price in town. Which bodes well. We did a random search and really again there are very few 1 bedrooms in town.
reviewing w my accountant I have already raised rents $460 (a month) across the 6 homes since I got them.
Posted in
6 homes-rentals,
3 units-rentals,
March 19th, 2015 at 02:14 pm
Hi all
As you know I sortof 'started over in 2012" at age 41. pretty scary at the time and scary now but I am investing and saving all I can and trying to come up with extra money all the time. So it gets less scary and more exciting every day.
In a short time I think I have done alot.
My post though is about the fact that this past year ish my investments (just simple mutual funds) have gone up ALOT and today it made me think 'wow IF I had $500k or something in those funds or even $100k' how much faster the interest rate balance accumulation would go. Exciting and makes me want to save more so I can see some of that and start adding to capital like that in a big way.Like Now when I make 10% on say $10k that is $1000 if I had $100k or $500k that would be $10k or $50k.
Striving to invest wisely and get to those LARGER balances quickly so the market does more for me than it is even doing now.
Currently projecting having $275k in (various retirement and non retirement) investments by 6/2019 (age 48) but that is a projection and may change (down or UP!!)
I was going to search for that blog. 'Born to Win' or something to get his thoughts on making an Emergency fund and fortifying it with items too. like food... insurance or whatever (he had many ideas) to cut down on the actual cash I need to reserve.
Posted in
March 18th, 2015 at 05:59 pm
HI all
Brief good news on the 3 units
1. we got our first renewal!! Lots of people (including the old property manager said I was crazy and did not know how to run my business) but looks like it may just work. We got our toughest renewal. the one with the biggest rent change. $560 to $630 effective 4/1!!
2. guy we are tossing out is moving out THIS WEEK. apartment look immaculate. Goal is to rent it by the first. If he does not move by this week. sheriff comes the 24th. Most move before hand and he knows the date
3. Court for the other lady (who was on the failing payment plan) is 3/24..
4. other guy we do not like and who is always 'slow' w rent and late fees. his lease is up 5/15. We sent him a renewal. if he does not pay late fees immediately ($60) or renew we will toss him as well.
With THAT done we will have gotten rid of ALL the bad renters and can smooth things out. The other 2 folks are newer people and good renters. likely to accept the renewal when it comes up but if not we expect no trouble.
Goal was to raise the rents by $400 this year across ALL units. With these 4 points above (raising rent to $650 on NEW tenants and $630 on the renewals) . we will have raised rents by $280. This assumes the 'slow payer' renews at $630 and straightens up . if not we will put a new person in there at $650 making the total go up to $300 month increase. Of course this comes at a cost but we the cost was worth it (and unavoidable. these guys were not paying anyway) AND now w the new leases in my property managers name (not the old PM) he can file eviction suits on his own on any new or renewed tenants.
feeling good. still a lot of cost this year but feeling like things are getting more and more under control.
Posted in
6 homes-rentals,
3 units-rentals,
March 16th, 2015 at 02:29 pm
HI all
A milestones for the 6 homes. I made my payment this month (it is due the 25th) and now I only have 2 years 11 months left to go.
Feeling much better much more in control w the 6 homes (and 3 units)
in February I can pull yet another house out of the package and get a free and clear deed which would give me 2 free and clear deeds. I can pu1l 1 more in the life of the deal and then get the rest once the full loan is paid off.
Next big (non 6 homes) milestone is the refinance which I will go for in August which should take me from this loan I have now at 5.xx percent (forget) to a 15 year 3.x% loan which actually will only be a few hundred more than what I pay now if that.
still saving every dime I can.
My brother should start paying me $300 a month start next week. All of that will go towards savings.
STILL have not done taxes. dad and work have taken all my time. will make time this week. Hoping to get $10k back which will go to the Roth and more savings.
Posted in
6 homes-rentals,
3 units-rentals,
March 13th, 2015 at 10:04 pm
Lots of updates.
Work offered me full time $100k, 2 weeks vacation (they have room to increase vacation to 3 weeks or maybe more), 3 % 401k match vested in 3 years. I make effectively $120ish now and HAAVE an instant vestd 3% match so NOT going to take this now. I am on contract for a year (January 2016)and will evaluate at the end of thisyear options to go full time, jump to another group who can extend my contract where I work now or get it extended in the group I am in
Dad.. looks lke Dad is deciding to move to assisted living nearby. getting forms and drs evals set up. fingers crossed. He did drive a short distance and was fine. We do not have authority to stop his driving and lettign him drive to the dealership helped him free up to make the decision to move. easier to deal w the car when he has transport options avail (assisted living)
6 homes.. going great.. rents always in .. the short term insurance lady we put in last year is likely moving on in 30-60 days.. so May or June 1.. we will look to rent it for $1200..current short term rent is $1435. Should rent easily. good time of year to rent
other homes.. one section 8 lady is moving end of April. will look to raise that rent by $300 and fix up house (few thousand)
3 units. guy we are throwing out was served by the sheriff. we looked at the apartment. IMMACULATE.. hoping he moves soon but sheriff comes in 3 weeks (most move prior to that). raising rent by $65 (or more if we can)
Other lady not paying rent. attorney was not happy w our 5 day notice (did not include certain wording). we have changed the wording. re-served her LAST Monday and expect to get a court date in 7-10 days after THIS Monday. same time frame with her.. within 4-8 weeks after that court date she should be OUT!! raise her rent by $90
Slow payer. paid all but $50 of his rent.. we are putting him on notice he needs to pay or get out.. and will serve him Monday if needed..
We are trying to clear everyone out in the SPRING. so we can rent them easier..
Put in for s8 increases (of $200 each) on the other homes.. Section 8 did not deny them but asked me to redo the forms etc.. did nto fill them in correctly and clear up this city inspection (due 3/24) and may want me to do some fix up. we will see but fingers crossed.
I have a budgetted $1300 monthly loss across the 3 units and 6 homes ..every dollar of rent i can increase decreases that budgetted loss. My goal is to increase rents $400/month across all. I am hoping to exceed that.
6 homes paid off March 2015, 3 units March 2019
By some miracle still able to save every month.
Did not do taxxes yet.. swamped w work, work trips, Dad. will look to finish the needed data thsi weekend
Posted in
6 homes-rentals,
3 units-rentals,
March 10th, 2015 at 04:38 pm
Another update w Dad. I am so stressed and upset.
Rogene (Dad's girlfriend) JUST sent a text that Dad called the Cadillac place for a new set of keys.. she has hidden them and he thinks they are lost which is why he called them.
I feel helpless and stressed I am out here but it makes me feel like or think (rightly or wrongly). why doesn't Rogene just say he is not able to drive and she is not giving him the keys.. why does she text me and just let it happen??
Will call that attorney guy.
leaving for a work trip very soon and find it hard to concentrate on much else w this insanity going on.
I ahd already called the police on this stuff before and they are not able to do anything unless he breaks the law.. removing the drivers license requires a competency hearing. removing the car from the premises requires Guardianship.. if against his will.
Posted in
March 10th, 2015 at 04:31 pm
HI all
Thanks so mmuch for your feedback and just support.
Talked to Dad and his long time girlfriend Rogene (said ROsheen) and really Dad is 'making progress' towards making a decision but sees no urgency because he does not feel Rogene is leaving anytime soon and the truth is Rogene is not being blunt or direct with him and is enabling him. I have no leverage with Dad when she is there in the house soft pedaling around what he needs, and when she is leaving.... and has not set any dates to move out.
My plan. continue to follow through w attorney (but there is not a safety issue with her there) and write a letter to Dad and her .. very direct to the point and call then and then let things be. I have done all I can at this point and until Rogene takes some action (vs complaining to me) and insteads talks to Dad. I mean he can still think,and understand that she is leaving I do not see he will move and really he is not in danger with her there either.
Crazy but can not keep beating my head on the wall and have been taking too much time for work anyway
Hoping my letter and laying it out for Rogene helps and really hoping he decides to sign the lease or show interest by the 18th. Upsetting. These places are NOT easy to come by and this one is close, reasonable and DOES have memory care..and they met him already.
Anyway that is the plan. take the tough stance w Rogene and Dad btu really if Rogene actually sets a date to leave .. Dad will likely move and I am also going to be direct and say that his confusion episodes present a health/safety hazard so he is not able to live on his own (he is talking about staying in the house until it is sold.. hellooo??) and I will need to call services and then since he is out state they will have control. not me.
I will also follow up w the attorney on guardianship but already talking to the first guy unless Dad is an danger (and w ROgene there 24/7 w no moving on date hard to prove) I have no case.. I do not envision this going that route but really is Rogene would just take stand w HIM not me it would be very helpful.
Trying my best but hard and crazy.
Posted in
March 9th, 2015 at 08:09 pm
HI all,
Just diarying.
3 things.
1. person who was making payments at the 3 units is no longer doing so and has said that. We are filing today on her and are also going to the sheriffs office today to toss that guy who we already won on in court. The brother of that guy is getting 'unreliable too' so may need to toss him. All hard challenging COSTLY news but better to get these guys out NOW.. than later. Also sent out 2 lease renewals at $630.. Really need to clear this up fast and restore income to me.. tough!
2. Dad.. VERY BAD SITUATION. Dad has dementia and some times thinks things that are not the case (thinks he is still in the airforce, thinks he is in trouble may go to jail etc). His long time girlfriend lives with him but is moving out (soon.. weeks/days). She is hiding his keys but every day gets very frustrated with the situation and wants out now. She and Dad were out here Saturday. I found a good assisted living place for Dad right near the house. He does not believe he needs help and in short I am not sure if he is going to sign a lease. I have a room on hold until the 18th. Talked to an attorney and he says my power of attorneys are not worth much and in this situation I need GUARDIANSHIP and since it is out of state it will be a 2 step process (get it in Wisconsin first and then transfer to Illinois). Anyway costly.. lengthy . just bad. Girlfriend is having a hard time living w Dad as he for the past week has been panicked about jail and trying to leave/drive the car (she hid his keys). Anyway. situation is really to explode and just very hard. I expect to learn more from an attorney today and will continue to ask Dad/encourage him to sign the lease at this assisted lviing/memory h elp place near me. Fingers crossed.
3. Kevin my brother called and on a high note wnts to pay me $300/month to use my address to send bills too etc. he is a truck driver and will find that easier etc.. Hopefully that works out.
Work is still ok. BUSY.. 50+ hours a week. and traveling to Nashville again Wed-Thursday
Had a vacation set up for 6 days to Pheonix at the end of this month. likely cancelling to deal with the Dad situation
Onward and hoping for some GOOD NEWS!!
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3 units-rentals,
General rental updates
February 26th, 2015 at 10:45 pm
HI all
Excited for first pay day tomorrow!! Have not had a check in 4 weeks and this one will have 401k money being transferred too.
Had a SUPER bad day at work yesterday.. but feeling good today (this sales guy talked down to me but he apparently is this way with everyone so I got over it)..
Hoping for a good month next month w the rentals but got that guy moving out at some point, the city inspection partial fix (rest will wait til that lady moves out) and a lease renewal to a 3 unit person at $630 to get signed off on or we need to turn the unit over.. Also submitting to get increased rents at the Section 8 homes. They say an exception maybe can be made and my rents increased. It would be great to NOT have to turn over the remaining homes to get a rent increase. Got the fair market rents off of HUD and the 3 bedrooms fair market rent is $1249. I get between 900-975!! I want to raise those rents the least cost way possible.
meet with tax guy hopefully SUNDAY!! Hoping for at least $10k. fund the ROth and save the rest.
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6 homes-rentals,
3 units-rentals,
February 25th, 2015 at 03:54 pm
Hi all
I went out this last weekend and walked through the 2 side by side homes in detail. These were 2 of the ones who had the city inspection and that we had not rehabbed yet. The home with the most items is being vacated in April (lady is moving on. YAY..we did not like here). we expect a rent raise from Section 8 to $1200+. it is at $975 now.. We will attempt to defer the fixup until then so we can just do the rehab at the same time when she is out..kitchen cabinets are way out of date so considering new kitchn cabinets there.. the other one had a some minor items and I love the tenant (but she only pays $950.. long term tenant and Section 8 is on that 10 year rent freeze). So this year for large expenses I have that one roof, the turn over of this house and probably turning over 3-4 units at the 3 unit property.. Feeling good and positive with raising rents and keeping things on track. Being MORE proactive and am now saving for this rehab..and the roof (vs being reactive and trying to pull it out of nowhere). I already socked away the cage bank money $1750 and will get $1250 from the tenant who is moving to go towards rehab/roof money.
We won in court for the 3 unit tenant who is not paying. he has until March 6 to move out. if he does not we have to file additional paperwork to physically move him out and the physical move will likely happen at the end of this month. Attorney was wonderful.. easy and low cost and costs DEFINED.. So he is moving end of month either way. one bad tenant down. I get updates on the other tenant today (the one trying to catch up) and property manager is sending out lease renewals today.
Feeling positive
My hours at work definately look like 45+ a week on a regular basis. This means I can fully fund the 401k and save $13-1500 a month on top. some months this will be true savings some month it will go towards the work above.
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3 units-rentals,
February 18th, 2015 at 07:47 pm
Hi guys
As you know I do not get a paycheck this month (due to timing with old job and new job paycheck cutoffs). anyway I am feeling like I am missing my 'fix' of saving here and there. What 'small goals' do you guys set that help you get through and stay motivated?
Also I ordered Nutrisystem and am working out a system to eat at home. I used to eat out alot.. now cooking.. buying food.. fun. learning and less money for better food. have more energy too. Will start to track savings.
I am ordering Nutrisystem for either 1 or 2 months to help me learn portions.. good eating and to get a jump start.. also exercising 30 minutes and drinking every day and KEEPING Track. I am 15 pounds over what I weighted 'pre buying house back from the bank'.. I gained 10 lbs there and the other 5 with the old job.
Onward to a healthier happier me.
Anyone have experience with Nutrisystem?
Posted in
February 17th, 2015 at 01:00 am
Hi guys.
First of all does SA load slower for you lately? these past few weeks it loads super sloooow.. I use Chrome .. any advice?
Updates. 2 of my homes are subject to city inspection. got a lengthy inspection this time.. (first time inspection since I had the homes). anyway getting quotes and looking at the homes this weekend with the manager but expecting a few thousand? news sooon
Also one of the 6 homes people (the one we were actually considering getting rid of) is moving out on her own.. that is 'good' but these homes have not been fixed up in 5-7 years .. because tenants have stayed so long. I am expecting a few thousand to turn it over.. Luckily these paragraphs are on the same house so maybe we can do double duty and save some $
On a high note too. I should get at least $1100 if not $1200 or more for rent on the house she is moving out of . Current rent is $975 so big bump in rent and easy to rent.
I am taking my $1750 for the cage bank and applying that towards the rental fund to help with costs of the above.
So far even with one guy not paying and 1 lady behind I am sticking to my budget every month.. makes me feel it will be awesome when I have full rent.
So hanging in there and better organized than last year but got some 'turning over' of units to do this year too.. so some costs to cover.
Next month marks the 24th payment and after that I have 3 years to go on the 6 homes...continuing the count down
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6 homes-rentals,
3 units-rentals,
February 14th, 2015 at 02:49 pm
HI all
Sold the cage bank for $1750.. taking payment today and then dropping it off next weekend. YAY!
Also found another $500 so definately making up that shortfall for this month. maybe I can save something?
Another 45+ hour work week and going to Nashville next week for work.
I feel like this year will be a good year.
The lady making payments paid $600 yesterday .. maybe she CAN catch up. I have a call in to the property manager to see what her plan is.. either way we have done the 5 day notice so can file at anytime.
Guy not paying at the 3 units.. court date is next Friday. quick!.. hopefully he leaves on own before or shortly thereafter
Attorney said I do not have a significant enough case against the old property manager for damages for putting this guy in with out doing proper screening. so moving on
Almosst done gathering up all tax docs. hope to work with the CPA the week after next or next weekend. Hoping for a BIG refund so I can fund the Roth and have more left over
Motorcycle guy (owes me $6k) .. no news yet
Dad is not doing well. and his girlfriend is indicating she is moving on and he needs to be in a memory care or other home (and he does). so will be setting that up in the next few months unless something changes.. little scary sad.. but plowing through it. he looks very ill and is VERY WEAK.. so not sure how this is going to go or for how long. Need to sell his house in Wisconson. car and stuff inside house. Girlfriend will assist.. and need to find a place out here..Dad is not being forthright with his financials at this point so will try to get information out of him. I am SO GRATEFUL that where I work is so large they have offices all over and have one near Dad (20 minutes) away so when I want to work in Wisconsin I can.
Looking to buy the 3rd row seats for the Tahoe off of ebay ..$799..(sold them last year for money thinking the Tahoe was long term car).. with the 3rd row seats I can get $1500 more at Carmax and I am sure more everywhere else in general. Some guy online (I called him) had a similar car to mine. same year.. great shape. sold for $23k cash to some buyer off Craigs list. Buyer had to get a loan but that was it. I owe approx $16k on the Genesis after the Warranty credit which is STILL not there. was thinking to pay off the car and when the time comes buy a 4x4 SUV for me and the rescue to use at a much lower price. Rescue maybe can kick in a portion.. hard to justify the Tahoe sitting all year.
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3 units-rentals,
General rental updates
February 11th, 2015 at 06:53 pm
HI all
All good news . feeling positive.
Overtime approved long term! up to 50 hours (have to ask if more than that)
Put 401k percentage in at 16%.. work will contribute an instant vest match of 3%^ so almost 20% total will go in allowing me to max it out this year
Rents all in at 6 homes and 3 units. except payment lady and guy we are throwing out.. my budget for the month is set now.. no more variables out of my control.. running $700 short with FIT BIT (see below) and medical bill.. but got an idea to make up $500 of that. Realistically I have a $1500 buffer in my checking so am fine but want to not use that.
speech is improving.. stutter subsiding as i get more at ease with my teammates etc. drove to Brown Deer, Wi yesterday to meet people HUGE HELP.
My boss however at work was let go.. unsure why. they are posting the job. I will express my interest in wanting full time but I just started and want to get he lay of the land first.
I got the FITBIT (some electronic wrist band thing) that someone else got here that tracks calories, miles walked etc. can not wait for it to come. I want to get fit this year and get into a sustainable routine with this work at home.
I can now work at home ANYTIME I want but will go in to work every so often.
Feeling good.
Posted in
6 homes-rentals,
3 units-rentals,
February 7th, 2015 at 05:12 pm
More 3 unit updates.
Got costs from attorney referral.. $250 if no trial. $350 if trial.. feels good to have it quantified..
No news on non paying guy. attorney will file Monday.
The person with a balance was served w a 5 day notice and says she will pay $600 next FRiday and get caught up in full by March. We will wait to file to see if the $600 comes in.. and wait out the 5 day notice. Basically though she is unlikely to suddenly turn into a good payer long term so at some point she may just need to go.
Meanwhile. trying to figure out if there is a way to terminate water for INDIVIDUAL apartments. Right now the city says they can only turn off the entire 3 unit building. If there is not a way to teriminate individually that might be a good thing to install in the future. City gave me and the property manager things to look for to check this out.
Rents still being collected. do not have final count on 3 units. but the 6 homes rents are in.
Already paid 3 unit mortgage.. 6 homes one is not due until the 25th.
Figuring after 3 months on this new job I will change my goal of a 4 month emergency fund down to 3 (which I already have) and if renewal or full time looks likely a few months after that. I may invest some of that fund to grow it..
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3 units-rentals,