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June 23rd, 2017 at 03:34 pm
Hi all
Some updates
I paid my real estate taxes (first payment) and paid off the 2 flat ($22750). This 2 flat payoff was a $5k discount. To do that I had to cut into my rental emergency fund and that is now down to under $3k. SCARY!
I got renewed at work by the way through 12/29. Good news. It is easier to get renewed at year end or year start so I anticipate being renewed again.
I am working some 78-80 hours a week almost every week due to a rocky implementation. Reminder.. I work for a large financial services company that has 'the banks' as its customer. I help lead the largest account for that company. Crazy hours lately. not the norm.. but these hours will subside but for now are good as I need the money to catch up quickly. I chose to work on contract so I can get paid for every hour of work.
I put an offer in on a 2 flat owned by the head of my property management company. He does not have time to fix it up so is selling to me at discount. However the 2 flat next door just sold for $124k in a few days. He was offering it to me at $65k. Hoping he does not back out. It needs $20k of work .. much of that due to paint, drywall and then all new windows throughout (currently stickered for boarded up windows). I will have news today as to if this deal will go through. Hope it does. Deal is $40k down and seller holds a contract for $25k over 3 years at 5%
Numbers below.

My plan is to get the money from a equity line of credit on a rental property. I have initial approval on this loan but need to submit docs. I will do so thsi weekend. Line is 2.9% for 6 months then 5%.. and starts with only a $50 fee. Crazy good deal!
My 5 year goal ends 6/2018
My plan is to buy this 2 flat (fingers crossed), set a reasonable time frame (4-5 years from now) to get it paid off, keep working this high dollar job through 6/2018. saving as much as I can....My large payments end 3/2018 (3 units payoff). After that pay off happens I will divert funds to investments not house payoff. I also plan to increase the rental fund to $25k by the end of the year.
Any ideas from the group
Have not made a decision on school. but need to make a decision on if I enroll in the Fall or not with in 2 weeks. I will NOT quality for aid.. Moody Bible. Masters in Spiritual Formation and Discipleship. For fun and to get a job in a more helping helping training field in social service or with the church
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General rental updates
May 11th, 2017 at 11:00 pm
today I pulled out $22750 from the rental emergency fund and tax escrow fund to pay off the 2 flat.
payoff is Monday
First 1/2 of taxes are due 5/31
I will be working next week figuring out how to balance things off and pay this borrowed money back and get taxes paid
Still I got a $5k discount on payoff so worth while
this is also my last check with 40% 401k deduction so future checks will be higher
My goal is to repay back the tax escrow and rental emergency fund this year.. and keep on saving as much as I can and meet all the other obligations
If I just put what I would have paid to the monthly 2 flat payments to paying myself back that is already $9770 approx from now through the end of the year... so my realistic shortfall is approx $12980 that I need to put new cash too.
Just cash short right now especially w taxes due.
I will update after I get rents. Rents have been more and more stable which is wonderful
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May 9th, 2017 at 03:18 pm
Hi all
Real estate updates
2 flat seller and I agreed on a payoff due 5/15 of $22750. This is a $5k discount and means EVERYTHING is paid off by March 2018. I am taking this money from the emergency fund and will pay it back to that. also scraping it up from other sources
The house I put a bid on.. the bid was not accepted and it was sold to someone else. 
My last 401k contribution comes out this paycheck on the 15th. after that I should have a big bump in take home pay.. especially with extra hours
My contract is up 6/30 and I am trying to get it renewed. talks are in the works. nothign guaranteed. I expect to have word in 2 weeks. a little nervous but I think I will be renewed.
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May 3rd, 2017 at 02:57 pm
More news
The 2 flat owner is looking to see if I can pay off now at a discount. I currently owe her $26k and am scheduled to pay it off per the contract April 2019 but was going to pay it off early in June 2018 (she does not know that)
Hoping she comes back with a good figure and if so and I can raise the money I will pay her off early and then my total payoff ends 3/2018!! (with only the 3 units left)
It would be exciting to start 'winding up' my 5 year goals.
How much do you think the discount has to be to make sense for me to pay her off early?
No news on my offer yet! Hoping for good news today.
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April 27th, 2017 at 09:29 pm
Hi all
Quick update. Been busy. Still have not done my tax speadsheet. It WILL be done this weekned and then I should have a refund in a few weeks. I have my taxes done by an accountant
This year he is doing Dad, the last year of the not for profit and ME.
As you recall my work contract is up 6/30. I am already making inquiries at work and pushing to get that extended another 6 months. There IS work but I was transferred under another VP and the work is under the VP I was with before. Things are in the works. I DO feel I will be extended but not certain. I need to be extended or find a job asap to not risk the 5 year plan. I average 60 hour weeks now but it is not as hard as it sounds as I can work at home 3 days a week. Every hour is paid which is great
I will be finished w contributing for the year after the 5/15 paycheck. I had a 80 hour week and put in 50% of that check. I am currently putting in 40% of my salary. After the 401k deduction drops off I will continue to live on this '60% amount and put the rest in savings/investments. I rushed the 401k contribution so I got it all in before my contract was up
Homes are plugging along. No big issues. I do have 2 long term homes turning over . one should be ready in a week. The other will vacate the end of May. I think they will rent fast. Others doing well. I DO have city inspections this year on the 2 flat and 3 units which will cost a few thousand each and may put in new windows on the 3 units.I am at $18k for the rental emergency fund (have not paid for windows if I do them). My goal is to have that at $25k by year end
Still at Silverado. 77 now. We have approx $400k left which is 5 years worth of funds. Dad is doing 'well' but Silverado predicts less than 2 years left. Hard to tell..Dad is not talking to much nowadays and needs help dressing, showering etc.
I want to go back to school for a masters. never mentioned this before. I want to go into more of a social services, healing teaching training or church field when I am 'financially free'. I have been looking at a Masters in something Christian related. I have looked at a few schools etc and currently thinking I am leaning towards Moody Bible. Masters in Spiritual Formation and Discipleship. If I get renewed I will start this in the Fall. They have a Timothy scholarship which works that if your church pays 1/3,. Moody kicks in 1/3 and you only have to pay 1/3. They also have limited merit based scholarships. Still working out money and switched churches so have not been that involved yet to ask them to put in 1/3
I am almost at the end of my 5 year plan
I am at risk of falling short on my home payoff and on the $475k total investments but doing all I can do to get there and have slightly over a year left
In terms of the property payoff... I will owe less than $40k across ALL by 1/2018. 3 units payoff will be done 3/2018 and the 2 unit pays off 6/2018
Tiring road but I think I see the end coming
I had a 'post apocolyptic dream' last night and looked up what it meant. apparently it means the end of a something and beginning of somethign new. it is seen as a GOOD sign
Maybe I will pay off these crazy properties, start in a new field, get my masters and meet someone and fall in love!!
thanks everyone for the support
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3 units-rentals,
February 23rd, 2017 at 04:06 pm
Hi all
Quick notes
Not sure about others but I am single 46 and in good health and pay $498 a month for health insurance thru the exchange. that comes with a $6000 deductible which this year I have to pay for a knee injury. That is A LOT of money. I am hoping and betting insurance will improve and costs will go down
Many friends are in the same boat or worse
Anyway.. I put $1800 towards my rental emergency fund this month. My goal is to have that built up to $25k. The rentals if no big unforeseen expenses should give me approx $2k extra each month or more which will go the the rental emergency fund for these next few months to get that to $25k and then will go towards accelerating even further the payoff
I also am saving 25% towards the 401k and $1200 outside of that per month from salary etc
Really trying to beef up savings
I am looking at cutting costs and adding whatever I cut to savings
I have 12 months until my 3 unit (over $5000) monthly payment drops off.. so just hanging in there. 3 months after that the 2 flat payment drops off.
Work still going well. and feeling better and 'looser' and mmore positive
I will set aside time today to get the final #s on the rentals from last year but this months Net was better than ever.. so despite the tight situation now I think I am on the right track with this new property manager and with the properties as a whole. Things are artificially tight as I am insisting on the 25% 401k and I 'pay myself first' the $1200+ to savings every month and then 'make do' on the rest..
I will update true rental net from last year after I have final figures. For the past 4 years I have put quite a bit into acquiring and fixing up the rentals to a solid state.. hoping that dramatically drops off and I think it will
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February 1st, 2017 at 12:17 am
Hi all
Today is tax day for me. I am figuring out and gathering all my tax documents for me and the rentals
i also need to gather the not for profit tax info
I lost $28k gross income to my bottom line by closing the not for profit
This 5 year journey has been a wild one.my first 2-3 years were very tight. I had a good year last year and now I am Very tight again
I updated my financial goals to the left there for 2017. Those are highlevel goals. I will track monthly and set some mini goals to get to those larger goals
I continue to be off track (per my 5 year goal) towards my personal residence payoff with no clear ideas or plan on the horizon to make that up
I am also short with investments (primarily because I bought more homes) with no clear plan on the horizon to make that up
I want to formulate clear plans to make those gaps up and I really want to put together a plan to make $1000/month more income by March 1
I am putting in 25% my 401k now through the end of June. it makes things pretty tight but my contract only goes through the end of June.
Anyway I am sharing the homes budget for next year. Vacancy, maintenance is estimated based on #s from prior years and then rounded UP. Net assumes homes are paid off. They are not paid off yet. Payoffs start March 2018. . My payments exceed $7500 a month right now. I DO plan to use any extra net from the homes this year to build up the 'rental emergency fund' so not drawing anything from the rentals yet and hoping for no large expenses. I am not planning on any improvements this year
Budget attached. Red means rent is Section 8.
I will be posting more this next few days as I get caught up
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5 Year Goal Status,
6 homes-rentals,
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January 12th, 2017 at 06:31 pm
Hi all
Year end goal updates and networth at year end below
VERY busy at work but did get renewed thru 6/30 and woudl think they will renew me again after that. VERY BUSY.. Working lots of hours which of course means more $ as I am paid per hour. I am still on match.com but it is expiring 1/16 and will take a break for now. I am dating some guys. two of them. not sure if they are a match but figuring that out as we go along.. but need a break
I DID close my rescue.. bittersweet..emotional. sad.. but DRAMATIC change in stress level.. loss of $30k income on top of $1750 month loss when my ex moved out. VERY TIGHT year for 2017 and need to find additional ways to make more money to meet savings goals.
2017 is the last full year of the real estate payoff. real estate will be paid off in full 6/2018
Currently dealing with 2 vacancies and 1 unexpected turnover. Upsetting and expensive. I am not as 'on it' as normal with work stuff and also hurt my knee badly
I am dropping HSA funding this year and will not do a ROTH or regular IRA this year. Does not make sense to do so. Doing just investments and fully funding 401k and beefing up emergency funds (for rentals)
Anyway will post new goals shortly. just saying HI.. miss you guys and talk to you soon. ..rachael
GOALS FOR End of Year 2016 RESULTS
1. Maintain emergency funds at correct levels-DONE
2. Increase total savings and investments to $310k-$41k short, only had $270+
3. Increase rents across all units by $600-increased $305
5. Raise rent or sell 411 house-DONE, + $50
6. Buy 2 more homes-bought 2 flat and 2 homes
7. Fully fund HSA accounts-DONE
8. Fully fund 401k account-DONE
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5 Year Goal Status,
Net worth,
November 24th, 2016 at 02:13 pm
Happy Thanksgiving guys
I am thankful for this group and the people in it. Without you guys and the postings of support and encouragement and sometimes constructive feedback I would not have gotten where I am not have dreamed as big as I did.

Posted in
November 11th, 2016 at 01:39 pm
HI all
Still struggling a bit here as I am sure my absence shows.. but even struggling I have been keeping busy which is good and helpful
I just turned 46 (october 15). Happy Birthday to me. Feeling a bit like I am going through a midlife crisis, learning curve with this break up and feeling I should have just broken things off YEARS ago. feel sortof bad about that but actually I decided to go to counseling and fix whatever it was that let me let it go on so long (look at prior posts obviously to catch up) but I was looking for a long term committed relationship and basically glommed (is that a word?) to someone who did not fit my criteria, was somewhat abusive and just not a good match and then sortof road it down to its death vs just leaving myself with my head held high
Worse than that I went to church last week and guess who is there?! this ex! I am church shopping (pastor left our church and a # of people left ) but was just going back to try it out again. I am thinking I will talk to the few remaining friends who are there. sit with them and see if I want to go back there or other churches I am looking into
I need a church home!
Anyway (onward)
I stayed busy which was good
Still believe Dr Amen visit and brain scan was the one of the best thing I ever did. very well worth it
Bought 2 homes, fixed them up and they both rent this week.. Minimal savings these past few months.
No more buying homes after this . I feel very out of money and short
I also made the momentous long time coming decision to turn over my rescue (largest cat rescue in Dupage!) to another larger rescue/shelter. They will keep the name, the paid staff, the cats and want to LEARN From us, our systems, policies etc.. and they will take any returns. Thsi is a large dog group trying to expand into cats. All volunteers are saying they will stay. Sad, scary, exciting I am SO HAPPY they will keep the name even short term so I can see what I built live on. Transition date is 11/20. I use the word transition the rescue vs Close as they are keeping it open as is but I will close down my 501c3 etc.. turnover all assets etc
I actually got income from this and it paid for some items so financially that $ is going away..e
I am actually feeling very short lately losing the rescue, obviously buying these homes and losing other income..
My goals I want to reach are building my personal emergency fund to $15k and building my rental fund to $30k
Can not be more impressed with my rental management company.. another one of my great decisions.. lower csts, homes rented faster, increased rents each year, lower stress
Lost 10-12# and look great..been working out and eating well (except these last 2 weeks when I was thrown for a loop by seeing the ex at church)..wearing size 6-8 and feels good to do so..
Also making friends, girlfriends.. ( I was isolating w this guy).. anyway making friends having my own interests is nice and also on match.com and meeting people. no matches yet but helping me crystallize what I want and determined never again to invest in time wasters! I am worth more and need to act like it.
Oh refinanced the house to a 15 year loan, 3.15 rate
My payment went down slightly from what it was before and truly no cost which was nice.
Work is 'ok.. just got removed from my lead role.. new administration sortof came in, took over ownership of this big program I was running and wanted their guy put in .I am still very involved just am not as responsible for its success. sortof a deflation but talking to people it is less stress. people still respect me turn to me and I am paid the same and can still work extra hours.
Working 50 hours a week still but not hard (esp now) and it is good income. Contract goes through end of year, project goes through June. (as of now) I expect to be extended thru June and will look for other projects after that. I am pretty valuable there so I am sure I can find something. still wanting to work at this company for 1.5 more years..
I will set up my 401k again next year to fully fund in 6 months
I may look into other FUN income opportunities (dog, cat behavior consulting. I used to do that. still get calls) to make up some loss from the rescue to keep my momentum going..trying to make up $2k but my main goal is to have FUN and get balance back in my life. no more treadmill of work.
Also investigating and having fun with thinking about what I will do AFTER June 2018 when the homes etc are paid off. I CAN take a lower paying job, do what I want and I want to explore that now. been looking at maybe going back to school for a Masters in Theology or Biblical Studies. not sure. just looking at stuff
I will have options if I run this right
Dad is still hanging in there but the best metaphor I can give is like when a top is spun it gets erratic towards the end before it falls down. that is sortof how Dad is.. signficant issues with balance, uncontrolled movements, sleeps ALOT, just feels he is winding down. SO HAPPY he is at Silverado and I see him every week. He does recognize me etc but does not talk much, more responds and watches. still walking well (very fast erratic walk)
I am happy for the blessings I have and hope to continue to be blessed.
have fun guys!
Bank holiday today which is why I can write a big post (I work for the worlds largest banking services and solutions provider so when banks are off we sloooow down at work!)
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6 homes-rentals,
3 units-rentals,
August 30th, 2016 at 07:20 pm
Hi all
Got featured in a nationwide blog. link here..
The blog owner editted somewhat. I am not a MULTI millionaire but probably sounded better in the blog..
I am doing ok. the guy who moved out never called me. sad, hurt, upsetting but moving on. Making new friends, joined hte Y doing aqua aerobics. LOVE it.. being more active. doing redecorating w the house. and extending my fence. I am doing some feng shui changes. house looks fantastic.. lost 10 pounds without really trying. MUCH less stressed.. stil doing my Dr Amen supplmements and just signed up on match.com but definately have a clearer idea of what I want and boundaries and not letting my life shrink when I meet the next guy. I still think this guy will call. very sad shocking the entire situation but it did force me to look at the negative aspects and I was not really happy and it was not going anywhere on the current trajectory..just sad..I have grown alot maybe he has too but MOVING FORWARD and not waiting.. no luck on Match yet but on 'day 2' so not been on that long.
refinancing the house to a 15 year term. slightly lower payment even with NO COSTS.. rate is 3.625 with this no cost option...I pay almost 6 now on a 5/1 arm.. so sortof win win. appraisal next week then we submit. mortgage guy has initial approvals so hopefully it passes the underwriter. he feels confident.
We are getting rid of the last of the tenants my old Property manager put in. she is currently not paying rent (so no rent for August from her but took her security) and she is hiding from service. but next door neighbor says she talked to her and she is moving by the first.. so we will check the 1st and change locks if moved out. hoping that is the case
She lived there for about a year and place looked awesome when she moved in.. hoping for minimal work
outside of that the homes, units are plugging along. Basically after I make Sept payments I have 18 months left until the 3 units are paid off. that is my highest payment of almost $6k a month. what a relief and then 2 months after that the 2 flat will be paid off.. currently tracking to an average of $8k a month once paid off.
work still going well . very well . adding more resources. I am setting boundaries. having more ME time and fun time and it feels great..
and a MILESTONE. I have made the SAME AMOUNT (actually slightly more)as of TODAY as I did ALL YEAR last year from the rentals. so now all net profit from this day forward is MORE than I did last year. So trying to beat last year by $30k plus even with repairs
Fingers crossed
Things are coming together. jsut miss the male companionship and still feel hurt, sad, upset from the crazy situation with the last guy..
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July 26th, 2016 at 02:14 pm
Hi all
I am contacting my accountant and the Mutual Fund store guy to see if I can reverse out of 'having him manage' my money for 1.5%. I do like the Vanguard 3 fund model and ahve been doing ok with that. Anyway. nothing major new on the rental front. all smooth (which is nice)
No word (at all) on that guy who moved out. I still feel sad.. actually it is sortof getting worse.. Today is his birthday. I know there were issues but to be sortof left with no word makes me feel very bad. I actually came back here yesterday and to some other notes I kept to remind myself of the issues we were having..I have joined a few hiking groups (which are really fun) been catching up with stuff around the house and with me and am contemplating joining the Y for their classes which sounds really fun and I do not have to sign a long term contract so ok to just try it out
About it for now.
I need a new exciting goal or exciting stuff in my life to get my mind off of this personal situation
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3 units-rentals,
July 20th, 2016 at 02:19 am
These are the much anticipated #s (at least by me)
MY NET this month (after taxes, insurance, repairs, utilities, lawn care) is..$10274.45!!!
It is really true. told you it was unbelievable. Crazy numbers
Again i do not pull from the homes at all right now. All that went towards mortgages, repaying back the emergency fund (done!! and adding to it towards my goal of a $25k emergency fund.
I do not have any renewals until I think October and everyone seems pretty happy so hoping to stay at similar heights the next 3 months.. 3 months at least.. more if we have no turn over and just renter renewals.
Also this month was a LOW repair month but WOW
My budgetted forecast is $8000 (taking into account a 5% vacancy forecast and approx $800 per month in repairs).. obviously this month I did not have any of those costs
Still working excessive hours and just got back from Wisconsin (work day trip) so going to walk on my treadmill and go to bed.. but WOW!!!
No word at ALL from that guy.. crazy. hard to understand just sortof walking out.. no communication at all.It still makes me feel very sad and often down. i am still investigating groups, activities and looking to make new friends. Last weekend did not go to church (had a delivery) this week will go to church and hopefully get back involved w that
feel SO MUCH healthier and alive w these Dr Amen supplments.
AMAZING change
I got a coupon for a reduced cost dental exam and xrays..$65.. I have always had good teeth so never really went to the dentist (I am 45, had not been since I was a kid). i went and the person said I had 'moderate bone loss' so recommended some 'deep cleaning' where they numb your mouth and do a scrape and polish or something,. I do not have dental insurance . their cash charge was $800 for all. Crazy. I thought about calling around for prices before having it done (my friend works at a dental office) but I was THERE and motivated to get it over with so I put the entire thing on my card (to be paid off next month no interest)N but had NO IDEA dental work cost so much. apparently though (they did the entire mouth in one sitting, apparently the norm is a few sittings.. I asked to just get it over with) but apparently if I take care of my teeth which I will I will not have to have that serious cleaning done again.. just maintenance cleanings
I am trying to get a hold of my friend to get her opinion on the cost of the procedure and good dental practices.. etc
it feels good to take care of myself!
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3 units-rentals,
July 15th, 2016 at 01:35 am
Hi all
I will do a separate post on Dr Amen and my brain scan but in short I was VERY IMPRESSED< AMAZED, SHOCKED and I think doing that test will be life changing. you can actually peer into the brain and figure out why you are the eway you are in some respects, personality wise, mental agility wise, very informative. I got some supplements from the clinic.. and immediately (like THAT DAY felt much better.. shockingly so).. more on that later. I did NOT have early signs or any signs of alzheimers. Whew!
Other news. I still have not heard from that guy. very sad.. lonely .. downer. angry. sad.. upset.. stressed.. (less so w taking care of me and my brain) but really a downer. I want to find and have a good relationship.
In the meantime it really brings up how little social activity I have. I had said that before.. but with him goone. wow! I am joining back up in church, went out to the movies w girlfriends (first in a long time) last weekend, joined some meetups and am considering taking some classes. I also want to go to work and see if I can work there and if people are there. Currently I work at home all the time which adds stress to home and makes me feel stir crazy.. I left working at work in part because EVVERYONE worked at home so I would come in but turn on and off the lights and sit in a huge room alone. Hopefuly more people work there now I miss work friends. church friends etc.. My boyfriend and I did not attend church regularly. Conflict w that.. or disinterest on his part and I let it slide. another thing
I REALLY like going to church.. leading small groups. being involved etc.
Anyway..my main goal right now is to work on ME, my health , my brain health, stress level and level of social engagement.. ie build my own life before I find someone else and then not drop it.
I DO feel stronger with my personal situation but shocking that to have no contact at all. makes me feel stupid and undesirable
Anyway.. I am swamped at work so I asked for HELP to lower my stress level. I do not need 60 hours a week I want a LIFE too.
On the financial side
$450 left to fund the 401k in full for the year. It will fund tomorrow
Renewal at work for next year seems very likely
19 months to go to pay off the 3 units and and then 2 months after that the 2 flat will be paid off which will be everything! (except my personal house)
Networth OVER $1MM but w only $253k in investments. the rest in real estate
Biggest month so far in real estate coming up (or so I think) #s come out this weekend and I will report.. too good to share ahead of time
I looked into Mutual Fund Store adviser services, spoke w someone for a free report etc etc, then decided to go w them then half way through filling out forms I had doubts. so 1-2 weeks go by and I thought I had to fill out ALL the forms for this to start but turns out only key forms are needed so $50k was withdrawn from Vanguard and put w the Mutual Fund store at Schwab. Withdrawal happened to come at a high point and then was invested back at a low point so I made a quick $3k. Fee is 1.5%. I decided since it was already moved I will leave it there for 3-6 months and evaluate. I do like the Bogle Heads model so will do the rest like that.
I am busy cleaning up and doing deferred items around the house. This guy was ultra handy so intimidating to have to do things myself but so far doing and proud of it. and some items like 'yard work' are fun for me
I want to lose 20lbs and was going to go on a dating site..dating site in a few weeks . I want to build my independent life first
Considering taking courses.. yoga or something fun. .not sure if that is fun but just trying things out
If all works well (STILL have not worked out how to get out from under this personal home mortgage) but if all other stuff works well I will have replaced my income (actaully with MORE than I net now) at this high paying job in full by 4/2018 and will have options for what I want to do
I am raising my personal emergency fund to 5 months costs this month
I am raising my rental emergency fund to $25k by year end (that is my goal)
I really want a social physical job. giving tours outside or something or teaching stuff I enjoy sounds really exciting
We shall see.
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July 3rd, 2016 at 05:37 pm
HI all
I had hinted at relationship issues before but never really talked about it... because I was upset and embarrassed and STRESSED OUT OF MY MIND. I figured I would share the news as I know some others have shared similar stories. My boyfriend of 3 years moved out Tuesday. He moved in last year.. so approx a year later he moved out. I never really felt good with him moving in as I was never really clear where this was going and I do not like the idea of 'living with someone' unless you are married or about to be and we never felt like a 'we'. . Anyway I have been unhappy for some time and stressed, criticized, and frustrated and feeling STALLED and like I was shrinking. I asked him to move out short term a month ago for a 'break' after an 'incident where he shoved me in an aggressive manner, threatened me, called me very bad names, actually SCREAMED them in my face (totally out of control) and was aggressive and VERY SCARY'. I was literally shaking. He said he 'paid money so had just as much right to the house as I did' and sortof blamed that incident on me.. did not say he was sorry and would seek help or anything like that...classic abusive sortof excuse.. anyway I was too stressed to just force it so let it go. There were other issues.. no communication, constant criticisms, I was like the butt of every joke.. in front of others too, he got home every day and watched TV for the rest of the night (NOT making this up).. was derogatory about my '5 year goal'.. did not believe I could do it. cheap...I have 3 cats (they do not pee on the carpet) and he puts his shoes on in the living room so the carpet was getting dirty. He never wore shoes in his own apartment by the way due to concerns it would dirty the carpet. I wanted to clean the carpet mainly due to that...so I asked him to pay 1/2 he was like 'well there are 5 of us here..'(meaning the cats). I iwll pay 1/5 and you pay 4/5'..I just did it myself.. sstuff like that.. very renter like in his actions and attitudes, he felt since I get the 'equity in the house' he should pay less. sortof I was responsible for everything and he sat around and watched TV and woudl do something when he felt like it. no interest in planning anything. no future talks, easy to let him anger escalate to scary, says 'he lives day by day and likes that'. I could go on and on. But never had that 'we/team' feeling or like we were in a close relationship that I could count on him or trust him or 'rely on him'. I am really PROUD of my 5 year goal and am focusing on it quite a bit. he was derogatory towards it and negative and critical.
So I attempted to talk to him last Saturday and he responded with nothing (no words.. really.. can not make this up) so I asked him what he was doing for htat day. You should not have to ask the person you are supposedly in a relationship with what they are doing for the weekend. Anyway I did ask. and he said 'he was looking for an apartment'.. so he did, signed a lease and moved out Tuesday.
There were obviously signs the relationship was not good from before. I let it go. I am now moving forward, rebuilding MYSELF and my self esteem again and determined not let my self esteem etc get so low or tied up in someone else or 'stall' my life and interests.
Financially as this is a financial forum. he used to pay $1700 a month.. this helped save more money last year.. I have lost that but it just means I save less.. I am not in trouble or anything. did not depend on that income.
I also tossed my guest room furniture and basement sofa set when he moved in. I need to replace
I have already done so.. Pottery Barn has a 25% off sales so I am getting some from there and some other items from Target etc .. trying to put together a cohesive look. I understand Pottery Barn is expensive but with the 25% off I am actually in line with what I would pay getting lower grade furniture at Value City
This also means I will mow my own lawn and need to have someone fix stuff (if stuff comes up). Of course, after he moved in. it seemed he helped LESS around the house..
So how am I doing.. struggling still. feel alone. sad. angry. bad .. upset.. down. I gained weight the last 6 months likely due to stress. and was not working out anymore. so gradually going back to who I was and wondering why I did not do it sooner.
Thanks for listening
This month appears it may be such a record month w the homes I can not believe it myself so will wait to share when rents come in (they are sent the 15th) to report
I have %500 left to fund the 401k
I am doing a SPECT scan (brain scan) in Georgia Tuesday_Wednesday at the Amen clinics (to evaluate my brain in general and for alzheimers. I set this up as a precaution and because I have an interest in medical stuff and want to live LONG and be healthy). I am driving out and love road trips. I am trying to meet a friend Wednesday who I have not seem for a while. I was very involved w the National Stuttering Association years ago and their convention this year is in Atlanta. I miss being involved in things like this. I used to give the job search workshop at the convention. I stutter by the way. This brain scan was set up last Friday before the announcement of him moving out.
I continue to save $ but my investments have not grown at all. they go up and down.. disappointing
Somehow who runs a financial blog wants to feature me> I expect it to come out this month. will send a link
ONWARD to a better, brighter and MORE FUN future.
Posted in
June 17th, 2016 at 02:38 pm
HI all
Really amazing.. highest net income month so far!
Filled that one vacant house
The other unit is filled (with guy moving in the 1st). we decided to wait for this guy as he is real good vs filling it sooner with other folks.. it is only 2 more weeks.
My total repairs (per the management company) so far for this year are approximately $5000 across EVERTHING!!
however I paid for $24500 in long term improvements and then that one house turnover. so 'repair, improvement' costs I paid for are approximately $27000
But I definately feel and SEE I got something for my $27k and the homes are improved because of it
In contract (cringing) with the old management company I was charged $27k (for the whole year) but for various misc repairs that never seemed to add up and if I were to look at the homes at the end of last year they did not look like they had that money spent on them at all
Feeling VERY good with this new management company. LOVE the reports.. love how tenants respect them and fall into line. love how things are handled
I am still on track to NET $60k this year even with my $27k improvements..This NET is assuming the homes were paid off with no mortgage... I have 21 months to go .. but tracking now gives me an idea of where I will be. AND that $24k improvement stuff I did this year. I do not have to do that again for a LONG LONG TIME.. if at all really..
Other good news..
I am renewed through year end..
I am also at $998,500 net worth. I will announce when I cross that $1mm mark.. most is still home value but savings/investments up to $247k and climbing.. still trying to hit $310k by year end
I will have completed the 401k contributions after my next two checks. that was taking 25% of my check. After that I will put that money towards savings . investments
Feeling I am starting to turn the corner!
Thanks all for the support and gentle feedback (haha) during the earlier times.
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June 10th, 2016 at 03:59 pm
hi there
I filled that house w the Section 8 lady.. she moves in today. other homes are stable. I still have not filled that apartment.., we are on the 3rd app though. First two did not screen well. Hoping for good news today. We are still showing and getting lots of action
40 days of vacancy from that house (over half of that spent fixing up the house though)
10 days of vacancy on this apartment so far
I saw someone else tracking DAYS of vacancy per units so I wil do that myself. good way to track and you can only improve what you track.
Last year under the other property manager it seems like I had months of vacancy (well I did at least on that one house) . I will look back through leases etc to figure out last years days of vacancy..
I still owe $5k back to my emergency fund so hoping to get htat paid off in these next 2 months.. and then I need to build that I think to $25k so I feel more secure having money flow in and out of it.. This time i had to use almost all of it to pay for some items but did not feel comfortable doing so so put in cash of my own
I can do that while I work and makes so much. in the future I do not want to do that
My goal is to save $4500 this month and put that into investments and then starting August to save $6k plus into investments each month
My net worth now is $991k ($9k down from 1MM) but most of that is real estate. I want more investment and cash net worth
Goal this year was $310k total investment/cash net worth (not including rental emergency and other funds). I am at $239k so an incredible $70k to go into essentially 6 months.. a stretch goal..
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General rental updates
June 2nd, 2016 at 04:27 pm
hi all
I was thinking of doing the 3 stock portfolio plan from Bogleheads with my money and just sticking to that with the majority of investing and then using a 'smaller amount' which is undefined yet to try other investments out or pursue other (Stock) investments. What do you guys do?
and thinking on 'financial freedom'.If no big hiccups I should have all these properties paid off by June 2018.. but realistically w this big house mortgage (currently $300k) I will not feel 'financially free'.. even if I reach my goal of $450k investing too. I need to do something about this mortgage. I also am thinking I need a year w this new property management company to feel good too. I also need to have a 'passionate goal or plan' and really do not have that (yet). My goal is to pay off all these properties and get the cash flow but then what
Working on all the above.. just posting..
Currently no plans to move from where I live now but just doing a quick check reveals several homes which are on the bike path (in other neighboring towns) with large lots, older homes with hardwood floors etc.. which I like and are less $$ than the house I live in now.. One even had a coach house which would be sortof fun and I would love to be on the bike path or nearer to downtown. The hsoue I have now ... though near the downtown of our town is NOT in the downtown and again the people are less friendly..
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May 31st, 2016 at 11:29 pm
Hi all
Turned out I got that house approved for Section 8 after having been previously pulled from the program. There were some very minor fixes (new screen door, screw on circuit breaker covers) to be done per the inspector and then the lease will be signed and she will move in. This will likely be another very long term renter which would be great.Target move in is Friday.
No takers on the vacant apartment but that lady is moving out today and it will be truly vacant tomorrow. We have an application pending and several more showings set up so it should rent soon. Hoping the existing application works out. Apparently the unit is in very good shape and should need no major or minor fix up . just a little cleaning.
We have one other guy in the 3 units whose lease ended 4/30 but he said he wanted to stay and sign a 6 month lease. We said either sign a year or move out and gave him 2 months to decide and during that 2 months he can pay $50 more. We will force the issue this month and either get him on a 9 month or longer lease or get him moved out so we can rent to someone else. I do not want to sign a 6 month lease that ends in December.
and then no other renewals until September and no large work needed.. so hoping to pile on the cash flow. I suspect that many of the 'later lease endings' will renew too.
All real estate tax 1st payments made
I have about $4k more to 'pay back' the rental emergency fund. I will let the rents pay the rest of that back and estimate that happening in 3 months so my savings will continue in earnest starting next paycheck. My savings comes from my W2 income. All rental monies stay in the LLC at this point.
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May 27th, 2016 at 07:33 pm
Hi all
We have someone who looks good for that vacant house. Section 8 inspection Tuesday. This was the house that was REMOVED from Section 8 due to a bad history from the owner. I got Section 8 reinstated on another house w this issue.. hoping to get the same here.. No rent increase.. in fact $20 less but filled same month, we can ask for a rent increase in a year and generally s8 are much longer term tenants. vacancy is REALLY expensive so trying to avoid that at all costs.. turn over is really expensive too . .I just spent almost $2k getting this house fixed up. do not want it turning over in a year.
Person for 3 unit fell through and chose a place nearer to her work. We are still showing it and still aiming to fill for the first. Fingers crossed
My boss says she IS going to renew me . My contract is up July 7. Not sure for 6 months or longer. I asked for a year and talked to her boss who says he has budget.. and in fact I am already in this budget through year end and he will be put me in for next year. project I am on is likely to extent into mid next year
After July I will have maxed the 401k.. so my paycheck will go way up. What ever that 'difference' is will go directly into savings/investments
HIGH repair month last month and missing 1 month rent.. but still getting NETS of almost $6000. I had almost $3000 of repair maintenance costs last month.. upsetting but not avoidable.. house fix up..fence.. water heater.. sewer rodding.. were among some of the larger items.
I am considering ending a relationship and just sortof moving on. always upsetting/scary/stressful to end a relationship but does not appear to be 'long term' and sortof feeling I am wasting my time and feeling 'stalled'.. just a lot of stuff..
About it for now. despite some bumps here and there still thrilled with new management company and my plan.
For the end of this year I will still save as much as I can.. invest.. develop systems/ processes for the rentals and continue to work on creative ideas to get this house (where I live) paid down significantly..
what a feeling it will be next year this time when I will be essentially 1 year from having all properties paid in full and likely receiving over $8000 cash flow.
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General rental updates
May 12th, 2016 at 10:00 pm
Good news..
Apartment in 3 units was rented for June 1. Got a $50 increase. So should be no lag time or just a few days lag time between move out and move in. This is the second time they rented the a unit before the unit vacated
All work done at the house that we are renting (well steam cleaning happening today and final work so will be done by end of day) I feel concerned I went with too dark a color. I will look at it all cleaned up Saturday and with lightbulbs. Showings start tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
Tenant in 2 flat. We will sign to a new lease.. 9 months. no rent increase (manager feels she can not afford it).. all rent due by the 15th if paid late gets a $75 late fee.
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May 10th, 2016 at 05:34 pm
Hi all
I got the 2 flat.. 14% CAP rate. upper unit is up for renewal and wants to stay. She currently has until the 15th to pay her rent and gets no late fee until the 30th. I do not like that at all. We are going to give hew a new lease and set it for rent due date the 1st, late after the 5th and if she can not accommodate that the latest we will go is the 8th for rent due with no late fee. I need to be able to depend on the cash flow. Currently she has not paid rent and I feel angry with it but we will fix it with her or find someone else. REAL good time to get new tenants. I will raise the rent slightly on her too.. so far rent increases for the year have totalled $110 and we are listing that house at $90 more rent than what it was and the 3 unit at $50 more rent so hoping to get good increase there.
Other than that all rents in.. and homes are going very well.
They are showing the 3 unit that is up 6/1 now and getting lots of showings at a $50 increase in rent
and will show the house that was recently vacated starting Thursday (have a list of people who want to see it). House is being repainted and minor fix up and cleaning. Turning over this house with top/bottom paint and cleaning, minor fix and carpet clean is expected to cost $2000+. I am so glad this firm is getting better long term tenants and so glad I am LEARNING about costs and how to cut them. Feeling the best I have ever with the homes and plan.
Speaking of the plan. I need to increase my rental emergency fund with all the homes to $25k. I will work on that gradually but that is my new goal. I need that to avoid cutting in to much my cash flow per month when I start to rely on it if I do major fix up works
Still looking at $7-8000 net based on CURRENT RENTS (now).. Wow. did not think I would come so far so fast
Still no plan to pay down house (my own) or reduce housing costs.. monthly mortgage is $2700 but I pay $450 extra.. that is a big chunk if I only rely on the rental income.. I want my housing cost lower.
My contract at work is up July 7.. project I am running is expanding and has at least til November to go. I iwll ask for a 6 month or more renewal. Actually my plan is to talk to sales and get a read on what else they are trying to sell to this customer and get an extension for a year or past Christmas.
Paying back my rental emergency fund has crimped my savings for last month and this month but will resume regular savings next month.
About all for right now. Have a good day folks
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General rental updates
April 28th, 2016 at 10:50 pm
Hi all
Got news on the section 8 rent increase on that house I was going to sell. I got $50 a month increase but they say to apply again next year. I was hoping for a $100. I would get more if I had a new tenant but my current tenant .. her kids all moved out so she is on a 'smaller voucher' .. she has a 2 bedroom voucher vs a 3 bedroom so section 8 is limited. The house is a large 3 bedroom.
Still a good increase..especially for no work and got $50 more. We will try next year and hopefully she stays but if not I can repaint, do fix up and expect to rent it for probably $1200 or more.. current rent WITH INCREASE is $1075.
Rent increases so far this year are $110/month
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April 27th, 2016 at 05:10 pm
Hi guys
2 flat closes Friday. 14% cap rate..
Got 2 renewals at the 3 units and 2 people moving 5/31
Got 1 sudden move May 1 (or this weekend) at a house . I will look to turn that around asap. We get keys this weekend
My goal was to raise rents (across all units ) by $600 this year. So far we are at $60 and got room to raise for the NEW tenants at the 3 units (start them at $50 more hopefully) and then at the house that is vacating ...hoping to start people at $100 more if I got section 8 or maybe $50 more if I do not. and still waiting to see if I get a rent raised on that Section 8 house I decided to keep. Hoping a lot more people STAY this year so we are using our judgement when we raised rents on existing tenants (we had alot of turnover in homes last year)
Still on track with all the fix up work Should have that paid off by June 15 and back to $15k emergency fund. Hoomes with new siding and roof and landscaping and driveways look great. Doing the fix up work took a dent out of my monthly savings for April and will impact May as well.
Those fix up items were my last big items this year.. now costs will be limited to general maintenance and rental turnovers
Exciting to see how I turn out this year with my total nets..
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April 17th, 2016 at 10:13 pm
HI all
looks like I will close on that 2 flat at the end of this week (hoping so). had to get a new attorney (seller side) the attorney got sick and file was dropped.. we just ordered title Friday.. anyway hoping
The work on the homes looks great.. 3 driveways (where there were none), roof and siding and major seeding where yard got ripped up due to prior foundation work
I have money or credit for all of it
tax refund came in at $9200 and I am setting up with an attorney next week to figure out ways to save on taxes next year
I owe my rental emergency fund $13990. Entire $9200 will go towards that and then I have approx $4500 in repairs on a card that need to be paid off (linked to the large repairs). I will pay that off next month which leaves me with about $5k left to replenish the emergency fund with. That should take one more month
The only other large items I want for the homes are siding the 3 units (not a need and not scheduled but they have really old siding). Quote is approx $13k
One of my tenant suddenly got custody of their kids (the dad) ex wife ill or something so he is moving out immediately to a large home. the property manager is taking his security and letting him know he is on the hook for rent until we find someone else. Hopefully that will be soon. I predict carpet clean, paint and clean with not a lot of fix up. Manager thinks he can get $65/month higher rent. the guy is predicting he will be out next week or mid the week after. We will see. Home will be advertised as soon as this guy gives formal notice (expected Monday). and I have already notifed my 'crew' of paint/fix up guys
Got 2 move outs end of May (at the 3 units)
I am really keeping track of vacancy and 'time to fill' and 'cost to fill' this year as I near the time when these homes will be paid off
I paid $985 to an attorney to do a wage garnishment suit against that one tenant from last year. he works for the gas company (so good candidate for this) and I am trying it out. I have never pursued wage garnishment, bank levy before. $985 is my total cost and they add that and more on to the tenant balance. It would be great if that worked out and was a viable option for me. If it does not I have learned a valuable lesson.
So far NETS from homes have been the following (net of everything-EXCEPT the large $22k repairs which are funded from a different fund). I think I will expand my repair fund to $20k and keep it at that. Another goal for this year. I get section 8 on the first and the rest averages around the 18th
FIguring out vacancy and time to fill and time to fix up will be key to be determining or feeling good that this imcome (or whatever lower amount of this I decide) can be counted on monthly. I allocate $15,200 in the rentals yearly budget for repairs AND vacancy (vacancy covers the costs associated with lack of rent, fix up to turn a unit over, and property manager extra fee to fill). I will see how that figure lines up with actuals this year
Approx monthly nets so far this year (IF homes were paid off.. which will happen 6/2018.. currently all overage goes towards paying the homes off)..
Jan- 5750
Feb- 5300
March- 6725
April- 7300
My budget calls for an average of $6500 a month.
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General rental updates
April 12th, 2016 at 02:50 pm
HI all]
Just some questions here and throwing them to the group
Dad has approximately $632k
He is 76 and in a Memory Care center
Costs average $7100-$7200 a month. They increase every year (have not seen the first year increase)
He has no other real costs (misc here and there)
Netting his ss, medicare and this facility cost he has a negative cash flow of $6300 a month
I am the power of attorney for finances and medical
His funds are making less than 1% right now and I made the decision not to invest them at all so they just sit. I did this because I am not sure Dad has alot of time left (alzheimers) though he might.. unclear. Average stay where he is at is 2 years and the facility felt that was a good estimate. unclear.. he was declining steadily. recently seems plateaued?
All funds are in trust (3 kids as beneficiiary)
IRA has 3 kids as beneficiary
I take the RMD each year and then every so often replenish his normal checking account with $30k
Any suggestions for other things I should be doing with the money
Dad does not have long term care insurance
Posted in
April 7th, 2016 at 02:06 pm
Hi all
All rents in. I am SO THRILLED with this new company. They enforce late fees. rents come in sooner. I am hoping for less vacancy and faster filling of units (I will decide if that improved by year end but I think it will)
Tax results today. My accountant says betweeen $5-10k and was going to work on them again.. Appointment is at 10am.. So fingers crossed for the 10k figure. I took out $14k from my $15k emergency fund for rentals to pay for the siding, roofs, driveways, seeding work. Good investment I think. not done yet. the rain/snow has delayed things. That is ok with me as it gives me more time to pay. My tax refund will go towards that and then predicting 2-3 months to rebuild my fund up
Suburban rust fix should be done TODAY. excited to see it. again I was referred to a long time client of my accountant so I am sure it will be done right or fixed if not. no one wants to make their accountant look bad.
I looked at my #s again and not sure what I wrote before but I fixed an error in my spreadsheet and hre is what it is
IF the homes/units were paid off I would have made the following
2014 $20k
2015 $34k
Last year I actually got LESS RENT than 2014 I think due to vacancy poor management . just nightmares. The only reason my net was more was because of less repair costs
2014 was my big fix up-repair-improve year
and this year I am targetting $60k This year before the subtraction of the $22k improvements (which will show this month) I was at $18k net for Jan-Feb-March. this subtraction will take it down to negative and then I have April thru end of year to make that back up and reach $60k. I get rents deposited on the 15th of each month
I really want to get it up to $70-80k a year..
Next year will try for higher.. key factors are vacancy , repairs, time to fill vacant units
Thrilled with new managment company. bringing me to new heights and making me see and think my 5 year goal can be a reality
Literally I am starting to wonder. hey should I do a career change, take some classes.. feels like the world is opening up.. investigating hobbies.. all of that
Hope to hear on that Section 8 rent increase this week or early next. This is on that home I was going to sell then got some advice from here and others and decided just to keep it. it is fixed up, rented, new manager says it will not be hard to rent. so why not keep it.. and if I can get a rent increase of $100 or more with the current tenant .. even better!
I know I am not at June 2018 yet (5 year goal end date) and there are still upcoming challenges but it feels like I am OVER THE HUMP and no longer climbing the mountain but managing my way downward.
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April 2nd, 2016 at 04:52 pm
HI all
I did more research, talked to some folks, went for estimates outside of the town I live in etc.. and got referrals. Looks like the rust is not too gone to fix (at all). So I am likely for $825 going to have the areas repaired by welding in new metal and on one area just grinding down, treat and paint. No one appears to warranty rust but they say the spots are not bad at all and should last a few years... they are also not near wheel wells or ongoing wet areas.. if it reoccurs they will fix for 50% of the cost
So I will drop the car off Sunday and go ffrom there
Still thinking of going down to 1 car at some point
Spoke to my accountant too who mentioned my contract ending in July and the possibility of gas prices going up.. he actually thought I should keep the Genesis as it runs well, very good car and too much is in flux right now so avoid making big decisions
The rust guy fixing this is his 20 year customer and gave me a special price.
Also my refund is WAY down. we are at $5-6k right now.. accountant is working #s seeing what more he can do if anything
I just signed up for all these large repairs/fixes so for the next 3 months likely will just be getting the rental emergency fund up to the normal of $15k
SO happy I got my cash back card limits up.. they are at $9k (still want them higher) but it is enabling me to get some $300 off the work with cash back credit and delay payment until May on some of it to allow me to earn some more money. The rain is delaying some work too so that is good. I get rents on the 15th.
MY FENCE IS UP (love it)
Posted in
March 30th, 2016 at 03:24 pm
Hi all
Today I transferred all my Roth from last year and my contribution so far this year back into taxable investment accounts. The reason I did this was because I exceeded the income requirements.
I am working with my accountant on this years taxes and as income was way up.. all around my refund will be less ... he is working on it now. Whatever the result is this year I will talk to him and another attorney/CPA I know to see if there are ways to limit taxes in the future by various creative or currently unknowns. I expect to be having high income for a few more years nwo and I know there are a ways to use LLC (which I have) and other things to cut down taxes. Makes sense to see if those apply. Driveways, siding and roofing is all in the works. so all large things this year will be done by end of next week . I figure a few months to build back up the emergency fund and then settle in again..
I am completing the fence at my house $800 . last year you recall I did a 6 foot fence but 'cut in' at my neighbors 'outbuilding' (it ws an old stable). I just have really negative feelings about my neighbor.. there dogs are out much less (knock on wood) but I just do not like the people.. I figure with the fence I can enjoy the yard again
I still think of just selling and moving to the real downtown area out here where they have older homes and least the last time I lived there everyone was out and about. friendly. you could walk to downtown all of that..the river walk.. I can probably spend less too.. get a front porch to watch the rain etc..hardwood floors.. little nook and crannies..
Anyway. not moving right now and I have a nice house. I looked at the photos from Patient Saver and loved the look of the cozy, landscape, stone (not just the driveway but near the driveway) feel. I like that type of house...
I can understand Patient Savers ancy-ness. I am doing my own little countdown too and working way too hard and feeling like with this house debt I am not going to be whre i want.
Things change all the time.. so onward and counting the multiple blessings I do have.
Thinking on the SUV.. still looking at options but really my contract does only go until July so might be best to at least wait to do anything until then. but I DO want to downsize to one vehicle.. does not make sense anymore to have two and not worth it to me..
Posted in
March 28th, 2016 at 11:45 pm
HI all
You recall I got a 2008 Suburban LTZ a few months ago part for the not for profit, part for me. I paid some of it and pay ongoing costs. I bought this out of state from a reputable dealer.. got a good deal etc etc. Love it. drives great. clean car fax... Anyway I did not ask if it had rust.. probably should have. I did not notice any rust however when it first came in but recently noticed rust. (maybe it just grows that fast.. see below for why I think that) Anyway, I figured I would just 'have it fixed'. Turns out it rusts from the inside out and 3 guys (one a trusted local friend of a friend) say that the it is not worth while to fix rust and some of the areas it is are not readily fixable and they will not guarantee any work and it may last from a month to 2 years. never know.. they say the rust will starting eating holes as soon as NEXT WINTER.. Maybe there WAS no super visible rust when I got it and it grew that fast. Two people suggested I clean it up (looks new except for this rust.. guys were surprised it was a 2008) and sell now vs waiting for the rust to eat all the way through. Thsi assumes I do not want to drive it til it dies (I did but not with rust holes). They also said this this type of car is more prone to rust etc etc but that the design of the panels etc has improved and maybe whoever had it did not wash it after driving thru salt etc. they also said where two rust areas are make them think the bumper was replaced or damaged at one time.. they suggest I buy a newer version OR if I get a 2008 to buy from down South or West.
ANYWAY. this is horrifying shocking news.
I stil have my 2011 Genesis which I love and I have this truck. I DO want a truck. DO I need a car? not sure but I love my car. Looking online it appears the only suburban I can get for the money I have in this current one is a similar one with over 100k miles and simmilar year.. actually all the ones avail seem to be MORE than what I paid .
I am weighing the following
1. buy a newer Suburban 2013-2014 with approx 55-65k miles for approx $30-35k AND SELL THE CAR to help pay for it
2. sell ths suburban and buy a similar one and try to search for one in a 'no salt area.. or downsizing to a tahoe. which is almost the same price
2008 Suburbans are going for approx $20k
I paid for rain guards, mud flaps and weather tech floor mats for the Suburban...and a conversion unit for ONSTAR to BLUETOoTh module that will fit the 2013-2014 suburban but is unclear if it will fit the tahoe. the back mat for sure will not..
I do not drive as much with work and do not anticipate leaving where I work in the near term (I think if my contract ends I can just go full time and in 2-3 years I want to explore other options)
If I only have a car I WILL LIKELY feel I need to get an suv for the not for profit and snow
Thoughts? things I need to think on or do?
My plan is to talk to a one more person on the rust, and research what my car is worth and what the suburban might sell for and figure out exactly how much money was paid for the suburban again
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