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The new plan-job search

April 17th, 2018 at 03:33 pm

Hi all

I am going to document my job search and my goals during this time here. I think it will be helpful to me and maybe to others to watch and see

Anyway today I am going to figure out what the plan is.. hopefully talk to where I used to work (already left voice mails. sortof discouraging to leave voice mails. it makes me think 'they are busy with productive jobs' and I am unemployed' anyway!!) and get my resume up to date and posted.

probably figure out some goals and $$

and some 'other stuff' to accomplish during this time.. sortof get my life straightened up.

THANKS To all for your SUPER supportive comments. Crazy situation. Could I have maybe done stuff not to have it blow up so bad.. not sure..I guess not call laura out for the untruths and not get upset.

Regardless. was I happy there?.. No.. and the job is gone. would I have been happy there like it was?. not really. I could have grinned and bared it for a while but would it have shown .. probably.. Laura.. This all happened in 3 days.. vague accusations. some of them i was able to disapprove right there.. then sortof significant escalations. a 1:1 reset set up for yesterday and my submitting info on what I had done at work and info on my performance to the hiring manager and then apparently 1:1 cancelled because Laura said thsi was 'unfixable'

Obviously still in defensive mode..

I will get better.. and I want to do everything in my power to not dip into Dad's money or the savings which means working other jobs outside of my field, short term gigs or doing my own consulting on the side. My net cost to live is $5000 NET/month

Will file for unemployment today

I have a check for $3570 coming Friday and then 3 more hours due to me..after that.

Be creative


I got Fired

April 16th, 2018 at 07:16 pm

HI all

Got fired this morning. Contract company came to work, called me from downstairs and asked me to come down and advised Carla had told them it was not going to work out. Carla and I had a 1:1 at 1pm.. never happened. Carla told the contract company she talked to the 'program manager' Laura this morning and after that determined it was not fixable and better to let me go sooner vs later.

I was never told what was not fixable. or what my 'performance issues' were. I wonder if Carla will ever review the work i did not or talk to people.I talked to a few people who were shocked.

In any case. REALLY EMBARASSING.. the guard walks me back to my desk, watches me get my stuff and walks me out.. very bad.

I will contact me old company direct tomorrow.. I am too 'scattered/shellshocked' to contact them today.. I will file for unemployment. hope there is not a dispute and look for a job.

on a HIGH note getting out of the house and working at the office (near by) was fun and showed me how much of a social life I was missing and gave me much more energy. I like that and I will not go back from being as socially isolated as I was..

On a low note.. I am out almost $8000 a month.. not a good time for that. I DO NOT want to eat up Dad's $ that I am to receive or the emergency fund and I want to keep building savings etc.

Being 'let go' impacts my confidence a little bit. not sure what to say to the other company. Not sure what the contract company who got me this job thinks. This was my first gig with them.. will they block unemployment. Find me something else??

with my old company do I say I started the new job and there was a personality conflict?? say I never started??? Ideas welcome. I will contact them tomorrow.

Maybe I am due for a change.. maybe that time is now.. everything happens for a reason. I do not want to rely on the rental stuff.

I DO NOT want to work real far from home. I signed up with Lifetime fitness.. and am doing team trainer sessions 3x a week (started today)...I guess I have different priorities right now and want a job that leaves time for them

I feel with this 'reboot' of going back to work even for a little while I can now maintain a social life even with working at home. whereas before I was just sortof not engaged socially.


I am just real tired right now.. sortof shocked.. not much more to say

Things change pretty quick, huh? I get some vague accusations of performance issues and them am fired 4 days later.

Crazy week, almost got fired. (long)

April 13th, 2018 at 12:22 am

Hi all..

Crazy week. CRAZY! as most know I started this new job w a large bank etc etc.. project manager.. I used to be a program manager for a financial services company with this bank as the account. Anyway I now work for a program manager and just manage a 'project'. Work is easy and I can do 3-4 times the work in an 8 hour day and still be ok. I have very little to do and though it will pick up it will not be crazy like my last job when I was in charge.

Anyway I have felt tension brewing between me and the program manager (Laura, also a contractor) for the past 2 weeks.. significant micro managing (everything I do has to go thru here, I must cc her on EVERY email, every meeting, put things in email so she can be cced, no phone calls to others).. she setup an alert on 'Skype" (this work instant messenger system) so she gets notified hte instant my status changes from busy to available to away to out or whatever. I can not even use the washroom without an alert going off. I do not have much to do whereas she is 'swamped' but she spends quite a bit of time talking about how swamped she is and storytelling and drama. I have offered to help her with things several times and have been told the tasks she is doing are "program tasks", and she has to do them. I have offered to take on additional work, lead meetings only to be slammed down for overstepping and 'that is not my responsibility or scope'. I put together a schedule and she said it had to be redone on a certain template and to toss it and then I had to meet with the team for 2 hours to 'redo my work' even though the outcome was the same schedule. She is still reviewing thsi schedule weeks after it was done. Everything has to go through her for review and she becomes the bottleneck. She attends meetings and takes them over or cuts in on me. on and on and on. She visibly checks her watch in front of me when I walk in. Two weeks ago when I worked at home... she said 'Skype' showed me as 'away' a few times and that 'contractors have been fired for abusing work at home privileges' I said I was working and maybe I was on the phone and not touching my keyboard at the moment

Anyway it has made me VERY STRESSED and UNHAPPY.It has impacted my speech due to stress. I feel WATCHED all the time.

I have to wear a headset at work to talk on the phone which I HATE and to make it worse I got issued more like headphones which are soundproof and like stereo sound and give me a headache and make me not sure how loud I am. So for that reason I reserve conference rooms to do meetings so I can just use the speaker and so if a teammember wants to come they can do so. More fun.. team building.

Anyway Wednesday I had a 1:1 w the hiring manager who hired me (at the bank) This resource mgr had a 1:1 w this program manager (Laura) right before me and when I come in the hiring manager says we are revoking your work at home due to performance issues. I was shocked and asked what thsi was about. She said I had not turned in my schedule to Laura. I said I absolutely did and I can grab my laptop to show. I insisted (over HEAVY objection) that she call in Laura and Laura comes in and says 'maybe I missed it with all my unread emails" Laura later finds the schedule submitted on time. I then asked Laura if she had issues with my performance 3 times. I asked 3 times and two times she avoided it and then second she is like ' no but let me review the schedule'. Meanwhle the hiring manager is clearly REALLY pissed I put Laura on the spot. she asked Laura to leave and after Laura left the hiring manager said 'you work for me. I am telling you these concerns I am not going to let you drill Laura'. I said the concerns are from Laura (fyi I only see and talk to this hiring manager every 2 weeks for our 1:1 she has no visibility into my work except thru Laura) and I am not understanding what they are and if they are even there. This is appearing unfair and I am not understanding. The hiring manager then says the 'impression' is you are not keeping up and then asked me if I had completed several things.. all of which I had. I said I gave her time to talk and I was requesting the same.I said I ABSOLUTELY deny any performance issues and think I have the right to understand what performance issues are at issue. No response. And then making up stuff like I am not proactive, waiting around to be told what to do, not 'attentive' to work, not visible etc, not ahead of the project (the project has not started as we are waiting on funding which Laura says is a program task and I am not to help with.. everything else is done)

Meeting was very tense so it ended.

I asked if we could speak again after I had time to reflect.

Manager said no and she was going to contact my consultant company and handle it through them.

I had a work at home day set up for kitchen work today and the Manager said I should just take the day off and I would not be allowed to work at home.

I called my consultant firm and updated them.. they thought this was crazy and wondered if Laura was the issue. They had a preplanned lunch w this bank hiring manager today. I will hear tomorrow how that went. The hiring manager at the bank called the consultant company account manager to complain and sent them an email which they sent to me.. all vague crazy accusations.. I mean not even Laura would say these things they have so little bearing on the truth.

Meanwhile Wednesday I asked 4 times for a 1: 1 with Laura. All day Wed Laura avoided it .. then right before I left she came over trying to be all nicey nicey and said 'it was the hiring manager who revoked work at home not her'.

I came in today for 3 hours (at the suggestion of my consultant company) and again Laura avoided meeting w me and was trying to be all smiles.

I will go in for a full day tomorrow and again try to meet w Laura.

My guess is that Laura did not mean for it to blow up like this and the resource mgr ran with it and I probably got the hiring manager's hackles up with insisting on confronting Laura in front of her to see if it was really true that Laura said there were performance issue(which it sortof appeared there were not or Laura was not willing to admit it??). I DO think Laura must have said something though.

Anyway .. I will ask Laura if she has performance issues and then talk to the resource manager or have Laura do so to rectify this. It really bothers me to have my reputation sullied and this tension.

At this point I have been labeled w false performance issues and denied work at home and am being watched (though that was an issue before)

REALLY bad at work. and I am very angry

My consultant company believes in me and says if not resolved in the next few days they can try to find me something at this bank or somewhere else

I have made inquiries at my old company. I feel my job is at risk

two flat 1st floor rented!

Plan for money from dad $73k

April 5th, 2018 at 01:59 am

HI all

My plan for the $ from Dad (likely to disburse next week ) is the following

1. add $2k more to the rental emergency fund to bring it up to $20000

2. add $2500 more to the personal emergency fund so I have a $5000 swing fund in my checking account (total of my monthly bills) so I can try going on just the rental income in July for a few months

3. pay off the '2 flat fix up debt ($23700+)

4. do something for Me ( will think on this)

5. put $12.5 towards the real estate tax escrow which will leave me only having to put $3k a month towards taxes for May, June, July, August

5. invest the rest at Vanguard-32300

I get my first full paycheck Friday. wonder what it will turn out to be.

Feels good to get all the above funds etc beefed up and stabilized.

Health insurance goes down over $200 next month as I changed to the plan offered through work

Water/electric down $100 a month

and have a $1000 overpayment for gas (accrued over several months of auto bill) so will not pay gas for prob 9 months.. my monthly was $107 so will divert that to investments via Vanguard

Also auto investing in Vanguard to $150/month in Vanguard and more when able

Once I get Dad's money and pay off the 2 flat fix up debt I will up the vanguard to $2k/month

Trying to stabilize adn tie up loose ends.

Will also pay cash (or 0% credit) for school fromm now on. I currently owe approx $9k accruing at 6% interest in student loans

Market is really down but trying to think of it as the market is on sale Smile


3 units paid off-5 years coming!

April 3rd, 2018 at 02:02 am

Hi all

3 units paid off today. Title transfer this week. WOW! 5 years coming

For those new to my blog, I had set a crazy 5 year plan that I stuck to and I am 2-3 months from finishing it. Wow

Got some one who looks good for the 2 unit. hoping to fill the downstairs shortly and then will work on upstairs.

Rents are exactly as expected and got a 4 year inspection certificate on it.

Busy day with homework

Just sharing. WOW! It is coming together.

I will use what I will get from Dad to payoff the '2 flat fix up debt' by the way and decide the fate of the 2 flat once it is all filled. Getting a 4 year certificate is pretty big..means 4-5 years with no inspections.. and if we get good renters and this property mgmt company seems to do that with MUCH more frequency than the last one I can make some good money on this property.

Dad's estate and 2 flat update

March 31st, 2018 at 06:58 pm

Hi all

Looks like I will get approx $80-$83k from Dad's estate. Funds should disburse in these next 2 weeks. All will go into Vanguard

2 flat is renting and we are getting applications.. QUICK!

If I sell the 2 flat I will pull out approx $73k

If I do not sell I have to pay off approx $23k in'fix up debt' and then the rest of the mortgage ($17k) and will still own a property that I have sortof 'bad feelings' about

I will decide the plan once it is fully rented.

Nice to have options

Selling it puts me at approx $500k investments..

I am thinking of working w a life coach. feeling a little lost and directionless lately

I will pay off the 3 units next week.. we are settling up water bills which we need to do to get the tax stamps. Some tenants are late w their water bill. We are giving htem until Monday and then I will pay them and seek reimbursement.

I did not do my monthly tax escrow for real estate taxes until this month so with owing approx $33k in expected taxes across all properties (including the 2 flat which I may sell) I need to significantly up my escrow to make the June 1 first payment date and 2nd payment date of September.I have $4572 saved now.

My plan is to put an additional $4k in escrow this week and then $7k once I get the rents for April and then probably do that again next month.. and then reduce it to something like $4500 a month for future months.

I will have true numbers for cash flow after September (right now I have to subtract all these costs that would not normally happen)..I will track cash flowfor 6 months to get accurate numbers and continue to work this high dollar job and sock away whatever I can in that time period.

Happy Easter everyone!


Updates school, Dad's estate, rentals, new job

March 23rd, 2018 at 07:52 pm

HI all


I have completed my first full week at work. I think I like work and it will work out. I am making friends and just SOCIAL contacts and am out of the house. I am so much more focused working out of the house. more exercise more energy .. lots of good benefits. have not received a full check yet but I will be making a much more. over $1200 a month more on 40 hours

I will start the 401k in July and prob do my first test of the rents then (3 units will be paid off by then).. with doing 100% in 401k for 2 months to get that maxed out and just relying on rents for normal expenses.

2 flat is up for rent and being shown. Hoping to get it fully filled by mid next month. Shows well

My current plan (unless something changes) is to sell it.. it just has bad vibes for me.. feels bad. everything I did with it turned to bills and nightmares. . I do not need the income but I can use the cash. It is like 90 years old. I just want to move on.

I do not expect to make much if at all on it.. maybe $5k . but I can expect to have approx $50k cash back from the sale due to the accelerated payoff on it..

That will go towards investments.

I can expect to receive $73 k ish from Dad's estate. I was planning to invest that all. all in Vanguard

So total $125k ish to Vanguard which dependent on the market may bring me up to $475k.. contribute $18k to the 401k this year and then other savings. Hoping to break $500k this year. I have $350k now.

I will be happy when all the work of Dad's estate and everything is done so I can relax, enjoy the memories and grieve.

3 unit payoff will happen whenever I get rents this month. I just talked to the property manager and I should have those rents mid next week.

Paying that off is the major item in my 5 year goal.

Almost there

I am breaking off all 'entanglements' .. ie guys I have been dating for a while and am not serious about so I can be open to finding someone else.It is scary to do so.. and upsetting and lonely.

I am working on making more girlfriends. everyone is busy and has their own lives. I will join some groups etc.. hobbies whatever. I DO have more people to call which is nice and associate with

Working out more. and trying things out at the church.. different volunteer assignments and meeting more people

I do want a long term relationship

School started .. New Testament. Love it!

I may take off from school for the summer. I prefer not too but may have to due to scheduling of classes

I am picking up information this weekend to be certified as a chaplain too. exciting stuff

Those who have been following a while may remember that I stutter. The national stuttering association annual convention is in Chicago this year. I will be presenting a job search workshop. neat stuff! Lots of people do not know that but inside I carry it and it comes out when I am tired or down

I will start escrowing a full months expenses starting in May and then tracking my net from the rentals. This way I will have a more accurate idea of what is really coming in that I can depend on. I expect that to average to a net between 7-9k a month

so far I feel I am winding up my 5 year goals and getting ready for something (not sure what) but just continuing to wind things up and move forward

If I ever get sick of the rentals I can sell them now that they are (will be next week) paid off.

Still want to build my investment positions. only have $350k and less w the market going down probably..

I want that up to $500k by end of the year.. we will see.

Hope everyone is doing good. I could not have gotten this far without the support of this group.


Updates-rentals, Dad's estate, future plans

March 13th, 2018 at 02:41 pm

Hi all

I feel this is a season of change for me.

Dad died.. new job (not sure if I like it or it was the right idea).. take two of my first day is tomorrow. I am doing school work today. I have several assignments. Will work til maybe 1 and then call it a day (it is 9:30 now). For assignments not done by then I may choose to take reduced grades. Someone told me once "no one checks graduate school grades" but I would like to complete.

New Testament starts today

My cabinets are getting painting this week. They came by yesterday for the doors to paint in the paint booth and will come back to paint the rest this week. Also was going to get new vanity tops.. upgrades that will add value to the house or help it sell faster WHEN I sell. not selling now. Total cost for all that probably $2800

Dad's estate is approx $300k so I can expect $90k.. and probably keep $80k of that after taxes. All will pretty much go towards Vanguard investments. I am the trustee of the trust so expect to disburse after I have clarified taxes and final medical bills (for ambulance, ER, silverado). I have $5k in a local account for Dad that should pay those.

I also pretty much decided to sell the 2 flat.. comps may be lower than thought. not sure. I expect to make less than $5k or be slightly negative. All the payoffs I have done though will give me a net of almost $40k at close which will go to Vanguard investments.

I have $201k in Vanguard now so expecting to tack on another $120k.. which will put me at $320k taxable money (the rest is tax deferred).. Doing this (selling 2 flat) also alleviates my self imposed pressure to pay the bulk of that 2 flat off in the next 6 months which means my rental funds each month can go towards savings and investments. We are putting a for rent sign up today at the 2 flat.

Just stressed!!!

I have been dating but have not found "the one" .. I still have the bad habit of not cutting things off right away when someone is not a good match. I have to break things off w this guy here shortly but have "delayed" it due to guilt or whatever but really just need to move on. Life is short. I have kept myself off the market needlessly. I need to be quicker w my evaluations. I think a better support system will help with more friends

Looking forward to meeting more girlfriends or in general being out of the house w this new job or whatever.. just stressed the job was a bad move..

We will see.

talk soon.

Feeling very much in flux and stressed.

Starting final homework now!

Also need to get back on track w eating.. gained 8 lbs since July and never lost it or got back on track

Dad died of hardening of the arteries and I want to live long and vigorously.

I am making the 2nd to last 3 unit payment TODAY.. after this I will make the last payment whenever rents are sent to me. generally last day of the month.

At this point I will own:9 homes, 1 2 flat and 2 3 units outright. The 2nd 2 flat referenced above still has loans on it.


Catching everyone up, Dad died, 2 flat, new job

March 9th, 2018 at 05:01 pm

Hi all

Catching everyone up.

Dad passed away suddenly Monday. Atheroschelerosis.. hardening of the arteries.. believe it was a heart attack. Good way to go as it was quick and sudden. He was done eating lunch at Silverado, walked to his room and collapsed

Very sad shocking stressful.

I got the call at work and left immediately. It was my first day and I left at 1pm. That felt stressful too but folks understood. I left shaking and crying.

I am the power of attorney, trustee of the trust and executor of the will and only local relative. There are 3 total kids though. I am the youngest and only girl. LOTS of work getting everything ready and taking care of arrangements for Dad and coordinating everyone else.

Service and viewing is Sunday 1:30. Dad wanted to be cremated. We will have a 3 hour service, have a Deacon say prayers mid way through and visit and then go out to eat. A candle was lit at the Notre Dame grotto for Dad too which was nice and someone is setting up 'perpetual prayers'. Mostly family is coming and some of my friends will drop in and out. Dad's long time girlfriend, Rogene, wants it small and intimate

Having someone die and returning to work in an office setting (even for 4 hours) really crystalizes that I am burnt out w the office setting program management role and want to enjoy life more. I only did an hour formal intro of policies at work and then got my laptop working so did not do anything substantial or meet many people. I suspect when I have something to do and make friends and have a permanent desk (they are going through a reorg of the seating chart so I am "squatting") I will like it more but I was stressed and not sure I liked it.. and then Silverado called so not a super awesome 'test' of my first day.

It crystalizes that life is short too and precious. Some of the staff where Dad was may come too which is very nice. Sortof emotional and stressful.

I 'met' several people this week with the Catholic Church, hospital, funeral home and others and there are so many other jobs I can do and still do well. I am really burned out and stressed.

I have been scattered the last 4 weeks w school too. Last quarter ended last week Monday but I asked for an extension and was granted one til Friday (today) but realistically folks are flying in today (now) and I do not think I can complete all papers by tonight. I feel I have been working 24 hours a day on the arrangements and have not had time to grieve either. I took off this week from work but folks are not leaving til Monday and again I have had no time. I am thinkinkg of asking if I can return Tuesday or preferably Wednesday.

Also thinking of getting Spiritual Formation done and then asking if I can have til Monday to do Old Testament and Intercultural Ministry.

I am VERY STRESSED and do not want to be.

We are having everyone fly in that I have not seen for years I want to grieve, be sad, relax and enjoy the 'reunion' and hopefully get the family off on a different foot so we stay in contact.

What do you guys think? Do you think it is too much to ask for school extensions til Monday and Work til Tuesday or Wednesday.

We have to spread the ashes too when folks are in town.

Very stressed.

2 flat passed today.


Two flat final inspection, did not pass

February 24th, 2018 at 01:29 am

Hi all

Final inspection today. It did not pass.. minor stuff.. smoke alarms were the wrong height, one electric box not labeled, globes on lights in closets and some outlets were not grounded. Much of this should have been done by the electrician. Anyway he is fixing tomorrow and Monday. Reinspection Tuesday AM. Hoping (praying) for a pass. Plan still is to rent it and figure out if I want to sell it is in a month or two.

Getting applications on that house. hoping to rent it very soon here.

The guy we are evicting is moving out looks like mid next week. Market is hot for 1 bedroom units should rent fast.

The 2 flat has 2 bedroom units .. those should rent fast too.

Doing some touch up painting round MY house this weekend..

New job starts in a week. still nervous but I think it was the right idea.

TWO more payments on those 3 units (both in March). Almost paid off!!!!

I find my mindset lately is one of 'winding things up'.

Running scenarios on rental income, stress test was wrong

February 19th, 2018 at 11:10 pm

Hi all

I figured out finally why my stress test looked so low. (been a stressful few months.. must have gotten mixed up). I multiplied my total rental income by 30% instead of 70% to get a rental income with 30% vacancy (dooh!!)

Anyway here is where I am with vacancy at 33% and current costs.

I check every year if I can cut utility costs and food and misc. I will check that now. I generally do not run credit card debt but have some now w the 2 flat. Also should be able to reduce health insurance

Intersting to run #s. Final punch list for my 2 flat happening now. Have some good interest on that vacant house..

The scenario below does not change my plan to work ALL of this year.. With that said I still expect to be working and putting all funds through August to pay off the 2 flat debt (home equity, $16k) and 40k I took from other accounts) down so I only the seller financed mortgage..currently standing at approx $18981 but going down approx $1000 a month... by August this seller financed mortgage will be approx $12k. The seller financed mortgage pays itself off June 2019 with regular payments.

My mortgage (over $3k, 15 year loan) makes up the bulk of my monthly costs. I am no longer looking at refinancing but might be open to moving if the opportunity makes sense and the housing cost is LESS than what this would sell for. Need to move while I have high income. I have $205k equity approx in the house.

Of course if I sell the 2 flat all the 2 flat debt will be wiped and I will cash to invest. The plan is to rent it immediately and decide on selling it based on the market in April

It will be so nice to lay off having to payoff so much every month and thsi crazy treadmill. I can sortof feel myself semi relaxing now and starting to give a little and 'enjoy' a little bit without being so stressed with money, costs etc

It would be fun to start some small business again doing something I enjoy (part time) and NOT NOW. I know I have way too much going on w school. But that not for profit I found netted me I think a little over $30k.. (gross) and was part time and fun (for a while)

I look to get over $2MM net worth by the end of this year unless we have some MAJOR MAJOR crash in markets.

I resigned yesterday

February 15th, 2018 at 08:31 pm

HI all


Cabinets are IN. punchlist at 2 flat is being done this weekend. Hoping to get the city through Tuesday for final inspection

I resigned yesterday( scary tense day). Response was surprise from my current company and wantnig me to stay. I am still leaving but am leaving on VERY good terms Feels good.

New job starts 3/5

Last day 2/28

I am taking 2 days off

I have a vacant house that I really need to get rented and them some guy in the 3 units did not pay rent since Nov, we got possession at court but he has til Month end to get out. This guy told my attorney he wants to work out a payment plan to pay the judgemetn off.. fingers crossed but we stil want him out. Really wanting rentals on solid footing again. 3 unit rent is $650, house is $1275. That is my loss of rent every month. Maybe if the blizzards and sub zero temps would moderate some Smile

2 MORE PAYMENTS for the 3 units

One due March 15 then will pay the April payment at the end of March.. then all my rental income will go to the 2 flat payoff (for fix up debt)

I an doing all sorts of supplies returns tomorrow and getting supplies for the punch list so will figure out final 2 flat debt after that

THANKS to this team for helping me get the courage up to make the job transition!!

I can expect a $1000 net increase in take home pay on a 40 hour week, FRIENDS/social during the day and challenging while retaining some work at home and JEANS when I at work. 401k no match but I can start contributing in July

Still nervous but getting a 'little' excited too


I got the offer! I have to let them know today, thoughts?

February 6th, 2018 at 02:44 pm

Hi all, I had my 2nd interview yesterday and an hour later got the offer. Pay $18k more per year on a 40 hour workweek. I can wear jeans to work. WOrk is in town (15 minutes away). Work is similar but would be net busier than what I am doing now. However I am doing very little now and have been doing very little for the past 6 months (waiting on a large project to assign me too). I have been disorganized with school and other things and this 'having nothing to do' has allowed me to do that.

I told them I would let them know this afternoon. I am stressed and unsure. Stressed because it is NEW and a change. What if it does not work out? I am in school and this is a very taxing semester. What was I thinking? quarter ends in 4 weeks. I would lessen my load regardless for next quarter. A large part of why this quarter is difficult is I am not spreading the homework out throughout the week

Snafu so kindly pointed out the changes a new job would pose to me "I see the net benefits of the new job. I think there will be a period of adjustment as you get used to working rigid hours and the prep time to get ready, business attire, more laundry, more shopping, higher grocery cost for added convenience, AM traffic, taking your lunch and no longer controlling your time. There are expenses associated with work like the cost of gas, more frequent vehicle maintenance, costs associated with social activities like coffee, snacks and restaurants, make-up, clothes, shoes, accessories and possibly parking fees. "

I did talk about hours. We will have 1 work at home day a week sounds like and can have somewhat flexible hours as long as we get the work done. ie 9-5 or 7-3-4.

I actually eat MORE when I work at home or at least now as I am so bored. I eat out all the time.. bored..gained weight due to 2 flat stress . do nto work out as much.. sortof flattening out with this unmotivated streak. I think going out to work and meeting people would liven me up. I am socially isolated which I do not like. This new job will not be that far and sounds like it will allow me to go downtown to school on school days.

I would have to wake up earlier, get dressed and ready but do not have to buy a new wardrobe and can come in jeans. I need to organize my time better but I think I am actually less productive with nothing to do as I sit around all day and am really unmotivated. getting up, dressed, with a role, friends, social would probably be more energizing and jeans is a real plus. Maybe I can work out at lunch or on the way home> All good things. I drive right by the gym

Not sure. I will write the pros and cons down this am, talk to people and talk to people I know at BMO about hours, stress, work life balance etc

Any thoughts from the folks here? Any thoughts are really appreciated.

Risks with where I am at.. may not get renewed at work in June. I am well respected there but currently under a GREAT senior VP but he has brought on 70 some contractors... not sure if he has room for me and currently has no work for me so I am 'on loan' to another department. Much less pay. Work at home basically forever. little social at work. Thsi senior VP only does internal projects. I would be in a better position if I was back under my old boss wh did client projects.

The pros with staying are basically 'comfort, avoidance of change' and potentially more flexibility but was I really any more flexible when I was super busy at my current job?? probably not .

And either I need to get super busy at my current job or I am not sure it makes sense for my boss to renew me and continue loaning me out to someone else who contributes zero to my expense

mixed feelings and stressing a little.


Potential new job? thoughts welcomed!

February 2nd, 2018 at 07:03 pm

Hi all

I am not looking for a new job but open to it for a few reasons. One. I work at home.. no socialization at all. sortof a BIG downer. Two, I do not have much to do and am being 'loaned out' to another department while the other department is paying for me (risk to renewal?). Three I have no work to do. maybe 10 hours of work for a 40 hour week. I can still bill 40 hours but no chance to make more.

I got a call from a contracting firm/consultant to work for a large bank that I worked with through the company I work at now (this bank is not subject to the non compete agreement I have with my current contractor firm)..

Pay $11 more than what I make now which is $22k more on a 40 hour a week job. Job would be back to leadership again. They are local to town and I can work 'at work' a few days a week AND at home..jeans when I am at work and working with at least some people I know.

I have a second final interview Monday at 3pm. First interview was yesterday.. it was sortof informal as I was 'presold' by the folks I had worked with already at the bank

the new contractor firm does NOT match the 401k (where I am now matches 3% of my gross) so you can decrease the per hour increase to lets say a net of $9 an hour MORE than what I make now.

The current job I have I am renewed every 6 months (or not) This job is the same role for 2 years and a 2 year contract..and then if I want to go full time they say they want that. Less risk of being cut loose unless I really mess up.

I have already decided in my head to work through the end of the year and maybe a little more. not sure... I am likely not going to score more than 40 hours where I am now, my pay is below market and no work at an office option really. With the new job I can move, make more, similar work, in town, still some flexibility and make significantly more. and they may ahve more than 40 hours. It seems too light nowadays to only work 40 hours and being a consultant gets me paid for every hour I work. Health insurance through the new contractor would be $200/month less for roughly the same plan

Thoughts everyone?

Still finalzing the 2 flat, counter tops next week, punch list today and weekend or Monday,

1 house vacant but getting interest (water STILL not turned on from pipes freezing) but fixed and we are showing the house. Water company wanted to redo their meter etc etc..crazy! what if someone lived there? anyway they are turning on the water Monday

And 1 eviction underway for one of the 3 units. rent loss $660 a month on that.

I did not get my refinance so my house payment (at my current job) making 40 hours a week exceeds my take hoome pay on the first.. which means I have to escrow from the 2nd check for the following month.

2 more 3 unit payments!!!


My Vanguard selection

January 23rd, 2018 at 04:09 pm

Hi all

Thanks for your advice. I picked VTSAX.. Vanguard Total Stock index admiral fund (lower costs) for my taxable funds.I am really happy to have my funds back at Vanguard!

No other news. 3 more payments on the 3 units. cabinets come Thursday for the 2 flat. countertop next week. Have a short punch list of items to do at the 2 flat that I will have the mgmt company do.

Hoping to have it ready to rent by first thing next week.I can show it without the countertops and w the punchlist done and then will have the city by for a final certificate of occupancy late the NEXT week (fingers crossed)


Funds arrived in my Vanguard account!

January 19th, 2018 at 02:24 pm

Hi all

vanguard funds finally arrived in my account (the funds from Schwab) I was planning on doing a target date fund for all. Most are taxable funds. some are rollover or IRA. Any things I should consider or am missing here. It will be fun to set up auto withdrawal to go into savings/investments again!

I am wondering if a target date fund is the way to go or if I shoudl just invest in the underlying funds target funds invest in. The reason is I can invest in the 'admiral' version of those underlying funds paying a .04 % cost vs .16% for the target funds. of course if I buy the underlying funds I have to manage the percentage in each fund over time. thoughts?

Cabinets go in Thursday at the 2 flat

Counters the week after Wednesday

Almost there

Low month w rentals. I am missing 1 house rent and have LOTS of costs w the pipes freezing. I also did not change my 401k soon enough and it was still set to 40% from last year so my check was halfed

I will somehow make it through but my 2 flat debt payoff goal for this month is unlikely to be hit

I will post 2 flat total debt numbers on the side once I have firm total.. still accruing at this point but ALMOST DONE

School is way more work than I had thought.. struggling but exciting and good

Glad work is slower..but more money is always welcome

3 more payments due on the 3 units. Those payments are over $5k a month. Once those drop I will put tjhat money towards the 2 flat debt and then in June reevaluate and maybe put it towards investments

Still trying to pay off all 2 flat fix up debt by end of June and have only $30k left owed on the 2 flat loans.


Net worth and results from 2017

January 10th, 2018 at 07:55 pm

Hi all

Networth attached from the end of last year and I met all goals except increasing my investments to $380k. I was almost $43k short. That was due to the excessive money put into the 2 flat. I want to have at least 50% of my networth be savings and investments. Right now i am at 22%

I also started school last year. Masters in Ministry leadership.

2 flat carpet and appliances go in today. so on the home stretch!

I will set new goals next shortly. Rentals are definitely stabilizing but w the income from those and this job I need to take some steps to save taxes. I am talking to my accountant on that.


1. $425k in Total Investments

2. Rental emergency fund $18k+

3. Personal emergency fund $15k+

4. Payoff 3 units

5. $20k left on 2 units or SOLD

Final 6 months of 5 year goal

January 9th, 2018 at 05:00 pm

Hi all

I will post 2017 #s shortly. I am 6 months from my original end goal timeframe.. end of June 2018 is the end of my 5 years.

My original goal was to pay off all original properties by then.. towards that I have the 3 units to pay off ($15k owed.. payoff end of March). I should reach that goal.I bought several other properties since and my other goal (new goal) is to have $30k left to pay on the 2 flat.. by June 2018.. Stretch challenging goal w all the overages. I have no other rental property debt I asked the broker to sell all my funds in preparation of again moving to Vanguard and setting up shop there. There fees are lower and it easier to send in small amounts. I will take a tax hit to do this which is why I waited until after the new year but better now then later. I feel my decision is a good one.

2 flat painting/misc is DONE. What is left is : cabinets, carpet, counter and final city inspection. I will have final quotes on all hopefully by tomorrow.

I will order carpets, appliances today. hope to have tthem brought yet this week. I will push for cabinets Friday or first thing next week. We can start to show after the cabinets are in but I can not have occupants until the city walks through (we fix any remaining items they find. hopefully nothing) and the counter tops are installed which will be 7 days after the cabinets

Home stretch!!

I will decide to sell it or not in March

Other homes going 'well' except major cold related issues.. 3 homes w pipes that burst..2 minor.. 1 not so minor and requires a plumber (hopefully coming tommorrow). others were fixed by the property mgmt firm. People did not keep heat high enough or run water in the pipes despite being warned and advised to do so.

I am feeling better today... like I am finally seeing the end of this BIG HARD TREADMILL like existence and goal I have been under

I plan to work this high dollar job all this year and will reevaluate next year

School starts TODAY.. Taking Old Testament, Intercultural ministry and Spiritual Formation and Discipleship

Hours are still VERY LOW at work.. hoping to catch a larger project in March.. no foreseeable hope for more hours until then. I barely have 10 hours of work as it is but can bill 40.

Wrapping up items for the year

December 18th, 2017 at 06:33 pm

HI all

Hoping to wrap up 2 flat work this year and get it listed first thing next.. and then either keep or sell it.. stressful!!

Got a house vacating at the end of the year but rents have gone up dramatically so hoping to get $100 more for it. Last tenant was Section 8 and she is moving to non Section 8 (good news for her!).. We are listing it now at $1350

Doing Dad's finances.. he has 3 years 9 months left of funds at the current run rate.. July 2021.. scary to have so little left.. net cost per month is a little over $8000

No other expected vacancies and last year we moved lease ends (as much as we could) to not end in the winter time but folks appear to be happy and staying in the majority of the units anyway as things have smoothed out quite a bit these past few years

I still believe in real estate income as a good monthly income source. Still streamlining things more and more but feel very good w how things are going.

Still NOT approved for the refinance to the 30 year (on a 15 year now). hoping to hear this year

Next year my goals will include paying off the 2 flat and the 2 flat debt then just saving/investing. no more purchases in mind.. also enjoying some.. have not jsut enjoyed for some time

My current monthly cost (w a 15 year mortgage) require me to make at least $80k a year and that is with out savings!! I want to get that down quite a bit to needing a $50k income to pay just normal bills.

FOUR more payments due on the 3 units. approx $20k.. I have already escrowed one of those payments in advance and ready to pay on the 1st


I got a raise, though small one

December 8th, 2017 at 07:28 pm

Hi all

I asked for a $5 hour raise. I got $2. That is 3.5%. That is still good considering the work at home and autonomy I have and potential for extra hours (there now may be potential next year)

Still plugging away at the 2 flat (bad topic), school (last week of school. grades should be out late next week) and winding up various goals for the year and getting organized and setting goals for 2018

Time goes by fast.

I feel positive that Patient Saver is almost at $ makes me feel encouraged. I am at about $330k investment assets so a ways to go but will be able to save more next year and onward.

I DO plan to work all next year..and may switch to a job that is work at the office. I am tired of work at home and have less social life than I would like. I may put out feelers at the end of this contract term (June 2018) and find something else to complete the year. We will see.

I need 48 hours to graduate from Moody. If I continue full time which I will I will have earned 18 of those by June next year... so over a a third of the way through. That makes me think I need a flexible job to go to school downtown. ..maybe no job change afterall.

We will see..


Asking for rate increase today and other thoughts

December 5th, 2017 at 04:06 pm

Hi all

I am asking for a rate increase today. I am asking before I sign my renewal paperwork

Rate for my work has gone up (they went down in 2008-2009 but since resurged)

In 2009ish I was making $60-62 hour

I took off 5 years and returned to work at $55 (8/2012) but for a work at home job. Now I make $57/hr

Rates for my skill set are more like $65-70 but some involve going downtown or driving further than I would like. You do not get that rate with a lot of work at home. I no longer really need or want work at home but would like 'work nearby'

I am asking for $62/hr .. so a $5/hr increase. My company asked me for bullets etc so hoping to hear something in the next few days and at least they are considering it

Getting an increase even to $60 would be great but would be awesome to go to $62/hr

Fingers crossed and going to say a prayer now. I just sent out my bulletted list.

The two flat is still a bit of a downer just want it done!!!


Got renewed at work and other 2 flat news

December 1st, 2017 at 04:27 pm

Hi all

Few updates

Got renewed at work.. cap of 44 hours.. renewal is through 6/28/18. I am assigned to a program where I am not in charge so significantly less stressful (but much less challenging and fun).. I am on this program through at least March. The client I was on wants me back and may be funding a small project starting next year that may involve overtime hours

I am down to owing approx $30k LEFT for 2 flat fix up.. I had to switch contractors.. more delays. .. I will see the two flat tomorrow and hopefully there is large progress. I had to terminate w the last guy in the middle of the job. I am now trying to work out payment w him for what was done. stressful. just want this 2 flat completed

I have made LOADs of progress in paying things off but paying off $30k may extend to April as I have to reinstitute my tax escrow as of February. I am currently not escrowing for rental taxes to allow me to pay off this debt. When I restart the escrow the amount will be $1300 more than it would have been had I started escrowing in September but I can still pay it based on average rents.

Estimates rents at the 2 flats are $950 each. we will be renting at a bad time though but the units will be all fixed up. Whatever I get will be helpful towards paying off the debt

I have 4 more payments to make to pay off the 3 units by the way. payoff is late March. almost there!

I will start setting new goals for next year and wrapping up this year shortly.

I am totally missing my investment goals as you can see from the side board. I have made no deposits since June which was when I got this 2 flat.


Reimbursed emergency fund, getting back on track

November 19th, 2017 at 04:04 pm

Short post here. But I finally got the rental emergency fund back up to $18k. Everything from now on goes towards: 2 flat payoff (fix up and payoff) and 3 unit mortgage which is paid off in March 2018

Work has capped my hours firmly now at 40 hours a week.. I will ask for renewal the week after Thanksgiving.

Lots of drama on the 2 flat (still not done) had to switch contractors again mid way through

Learning lots but definately ready to move on from it or get it rented

Working on tightening up the rentals even further

and finishing up week 5 of school and about to enter week 6

I am taking core courses in 8 weeks 'sprints' vs full semesters. VERY challenging.. but learning which is fun.. My next two are Old Testament and Spiritual Formation and Discipleship. They start in January


I want to put more $ towards investments and do better with investments. All these people are making a killing off of bitcoin. I want to learn more about that and put my $ in the 3 fund vanguard model but then reserve some $ for higher risk investments as I go along.

Currently all focus is getting out of debt

I will put my 2 flat fix up debt on the left once it is totally fixed up and I have all #s. Currently forecasting approx $35k left to pay off (of incurred and not yet incurred costs. I am utilizing a 0% card for $6k and the rest is on the equity line of credit)

It bothers me I am not saving and putting more towards that..

and I will have to figure how I can fund the 401k next year. I was doing 40% last year to knock it off in 6 months but this year being capped at 40 hours and having all this debt it will have to be slower

I am thinking of worknig through the end of next year before considering any changes though.. not sure..

updates on school, refinance, 2 flat and me

November 7th, 2017 at 12:22 am

Hi all

few updates

Just finished the 3rd week of school for these courses.Intro to Theological Research and Hermeneutics. VERY challenging.. lots of writing, lots of research, lots of citations. I signed up for my 2nd 8 week series next year..I am taking Old Testament and Spiritual Formation..

So far all costs are on loans.. 6% rate..

2 flt passed framing, passed insulation inspection. target for cabinets end of next week. We will rent for at least a few months then see if I want to sell.I do not have final costs yet as we are still doing work but estimating ending up at 45000 (crazy!). Target to complete end of next week after cabinets. I want it done and am so tired of working in it. we had to rebuild the stairs too.

No news on the refinance. hoping for news soon but in the meantime really cranking on the mortgage. only owe $283k and paying off over $1500 a month towards principle.

Rentals continue to fine tune and crank out an incredible amount of cash and are getting better controlled. last month I pulled over $8000 out of them (all went towards the 2 flat) and backfilling that rental emergency fund. I will have completely rebuilt the rental emergency fund by the end of this month then every extra amount goes towards paying off these crazy 2 flat costs.. So glad I got the home equity loan (2.9% for 6 months)

I am still planning to pay off as much of hte 2 flat as I can by June 2018 and am on track to do that

Work has increased again. I can likely average at least 45 a week .. likely more like 50 hours a week. that brings me an extra 2k a month and next year will allow me to contribute to the 401k easier.

Payoff of the 3 units (payment over $5k a month) still on target for end of March but then I immediately divert that to the 2 flat payoff and fix up costs.

Been thinking more flexible. so either work this high dollar high stress job until end of 2018 or convert to some other "funner' job after.. Many people have 'retired' or became financially free and then returned to work in a NEW capacity. I do not want to sit at home. I am young and am good health. I jsut want to be free of this crazy job (and the 2 flat. haha) and have more free time and do what I want to do. I have deferred that for almost 5 years.

Health insurance will go up approx $50 for WORSE coverage.. $6500 deductible.. 50% copay. what is the point of having insurance??

I am going to make it a priority to get all my doctors appointments in the next few weeks as I already paid the deductible for this year.

Taxes done. only getting about $7400. way below my hopes.. my accountant says I am trouble for next year. We will work on tax strategies next week..I do not have the expenses anymore to offset all the rental income

Still have not found a long term relationship..


updates on 2 flat, school, rentals and me

October 27th, 2017 at 08:08 pm

Hi all

Just a quick update

IF the rentals were paid off (they are not.. but 5 months barring no issues they will be) I can expect to pull some $7000+ a month from them. I am straining for that day

the 2 flat purchase was a mistake and I am seeing the consequences of that every day.I really just want it to end. Electric done and passed. Framing done and passed. Insulation is pending. Contractor has another death in the family. Never know if to believe him or not

Taking Tony Robbins words 'what is good about this (bad situation) that you are not seeing right now.

I certainly have learned a lot. Have gained some contractor contacts, learned about the permit process and inspections. Learned the hard way about what to look for.. just crazy

Anyway I am continuing to plod ahead. Currently forecasting a total fix up cost of $44-45000. May be more. May be less. Just want it done. My hope was to have it finished next week. Now may go into the week after with all these delays. It is what is it and I am going to try to make as much lemonade out of lemons as I can. Bad time to rent but again it is what it is.. just doing the best I an with what I have. Takes a lot of time though and stress. Most time intensive property. Most stress.

Other rentals going well.

I feel very strongly I will sell it in the Spring but we will see. Projected costs puts me at a cap rate of 10.6 right now.

I continue to put all I can towards the current mortgages on the 3 units and this 2 flat property costs

Hoping to fully restore the rental emergency fund this month.

School started last week. I started with 3 courses but dropped one. I am in Intro to Theological Research (hard!) and Hermeneutics (less hard). Both are VERY challenging and LOTS of work. I am struggling to find a routine to fit it all in

Work picked up slightly. I will be billing 50+ hours this week and last

About all for now

Health insurance is likely to go up.I pay $485 now just for me.. $6000 deductible then insurance pays 100%. It appears they may be able to sell some scaled down plans this year for less costs .I am not on meds or have any special needs.. We will see.

Onward but wanting to get off this treadmill of always having to pay something off

End of March and selling this 2 flat can not come soon enough!


Very quick post-mortgage refinance

October 23rd, 2017 at 07:53 pm

Hi all

Still struggling to get my mortgage refinance.. still doing paperwork but STILL very glad I am doing it

I will post more later.. VERY swamped with work and school. will share later

interesting quote I read just now..this is NOT my quote. This was in response to a retiree asking if they should go down to a 15 year mortgage

"With the stock market averaging 7% after inflation and deductible mortgage interest at 3.6% equivalent to 2% I would not consider putting a spare dollar into and early mortgage payment.

That 140,000 more for the 30 year mortgage isn't going to be worth even half of that in the dollars you will be paying in 30 years.

The longer you have the mortgage the cheaper it is to pay it off. 100,000 after taxes in a 401k is earning 7000/year. 100,000 in home equity is saving 3600/year. "

Crazy idea- 2 flat

October 9th, 2017 at 10:12 pm

Hi all

Work is REALLY slow so I called a realtor to get on those MLS listing services to look at homes in downtown area of where I live and 2 flats. My house is nice but is slightly out of downtown and a 'differnt crowd'.. suburbia.. snootier etc.. I never liked that and have been thinking for months about moving but it never made financial sense but I would eat in downtown and walk past all the small cute homes (and large ones) and feel envious of people living in downtown.

Anyway, my goal was to see if I could move to the downtown area for LESS that my home now.

Turns out there is a shortage of mid priced homes in downtown .. most are $800k and up. I am trying to downsize in cost.

They had 3 2 flats though.. 2 over $875k and one . a duplex for $560k right downtown near the train. I looked at it today.

These are side by side units.. with 3 bedrooms/3 bath each (crazy).. the 3rd bedroom is small and the whole unit is about 1600 sq feet. attached 2 car garage for one and separate 2 car garage for the other and then a FIFTH garage space to rent to a train commuter... currently rented for $125 which is Low. I rented an OUTDOOR space in my drivveway 15 years ago for $100. . There is also an efficiency over the garage (not rented) that was rented for $650 before.

I took a look at it today (like i said slow day at work) and it gave me some ideas.

I have approx $200k in my house.. if I put that down and took out a mortgage my mortgage would be approx $2700 (30 year) and the rents are currently $1950 (already rented) and $125 (garage) and if I rent the efficiency ($600) minus lets say $500 (utilities for the 2 rentals) pretty much pays for the mortgage.

I could live almost rent free, live downtown in a more lively neighborhood and when I get married again (assuming this) I can just pick up and go with out a fuss and rent out the unit I would live in (people just moved out of it apparently... but was rented at $2200)

I could move from this 'less friendly neighborhood'.. and start over and have MUCH less financial pressure.. more freedom.. more liveliness. and not feel pressured to keep up w the jones'.

I am scheduling to see the other unit (the occupied one) and the efficiency and rented commuter garage Wednesday. Will also get other info.. roof, mechanicals. etc.. but built in early 90s

Rooms were smaller and NOT all my furniture would fit but really seems warmer, cozier and I can move ON..and make a 'home'. Unit is in good shape (no immediate requirements). It does have grey carpet and light blue walls. I would want to make it my own with different colors..

Not sold totally just an intriguing thought right now.

thoughts people?

Asking for quick thoughts-changing investments

October 9th, 2017 at 05:33 pm

hi all

My investments are with an advisor charging 1%. I want to switch them back to save the advisor fee. I am up $19k in taxable investments and 2k in non taxable this year.

To sell everything for taxable would incur approx $4k in taxes. Anyway to avoid this that you see?

I would want to sell the funds that is in to simplify to a 3 fund or target date retirement fund model


After I get all these properties paid off I will be SAVING more. I want to have more investments... up to this point although I have managed to save a lot most of my focus has been on getting these properties paid off and up to speed.

I think I would feel real good if I had $700k... will take some time..

and I am really considering staying at this high dollar job through the end of next year... especially if I can get some hours.

We will see.


Stress testing-Scenario no job past 12/2017

October 6th, 2017 at 04:47 pm

Hi all

I work on contract as most folks know. Today I am stress testing my plan if I was NOT renewed and did not find work for 6 months, had no 2 flat rent and 30% vacancy across the rest with no 'other payments' coming in.

Enlightening!! Makes me feel grateful to have a job. I encourage all of you to do a similar exercise.


2 Flat finances

October 5th, 2017 at 03:45 pm


I paid $65,000 for the 2 flat

$25,000 from seller financing, 5%, amort/24 months

$40,000 I borrowed from myself from another account

In addition I am estimating incurring approx $40k for fix up.

$40,000 fix up

$4,500 already paid off

$5,500 incurred and not paid on a 0% credit card

$10,000incurred and not paid on a 2.9% equity line

$20,000 NOT incurred yet but estimated to be needed (will go on line of credit)


My plan to pay off involves the following chart and assumptions.

1. defer my $3500+ rental real estate tax escrow until January so I can use that 'escrow money' towards debt. Restart the escrow in Jan at a higher amount

2. assuming $2k/month from rental

3. assuming $1600/month savings from me

4. I get paid $300 a month from my brother

5. $8k tax refund estimate from accountant

6. birthday/christmas money

7. the 3 units pay themselves off March 2018, use that $5k mortgage money towards debt


if I can make this payoff I will have paid off all fix up costs and will only owe $30k total on the 2 flat by June 2018

Assumptions ARE aggressive and assume no further big snafus. They do assume 40 hours per week. I have been pulling regularly $2k from the rentals after costs.

See chart

Please note: chart has me bringing rental real estate fund back up to $18k by year end too

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