September 4th, 2014 at 12:35 pm
Hi guys.
No word on Naperville jobs.
Got a job interview though (sortof sudden) and had it yesterday. I think it went very well. They have 2 openings and I think I am one of 5-6 so have a fairly good chance.
Oakbrook.. 30 minutes drive or less
Flex time- YES
Manager is open to 2-3 work at home days a month
this is a contrct to perm..
Contract $63/hr
perm $110-$120k
Need to investigate the permanent side more.. would like to get $120k
I will hear on this job within a week (maybe even THIS week).
they were in such a hurry they did a phone interview so I have not seen the office, done the drive yet so need to do that.
Gives me some hope to have some movement on the job front and interview went very well. gives me confidence.
Still waiting for loan appraisal
Praying that goes through. Calling broker in an hour
NEED good news on the 6 homes.
Posted in
General rental updates,
Job search
August 26th, 2014 at 02:31 am
Just diarying again
VERY tired..
1. no loan news.. hopoing to hear soon
2. no news on jobs but got wind of a PERFECT fit (project manager liaison between a major bank and my old company) only issue is it is downtown but looking at it anyway.. maybe it is only 1 day downtown .. they say I may travel between 3 offices. one of which is in Naperville. i am redoing my resume right now to fit this perfectly but this would be a dream job, fun, have contacts, and I know I can be a success and pays the same or more than where I am at $65/hr. I iwll not make the same mistake though of taking it if it is too far.. there are jobs out here in or near Naperville or work at home.
3. 6 homes.. positive feelings and news but no results yet. I want results and to REST.. having all this in the air makes me tired, hard to sleep etc and constantly doing job search/loan stuff at night..Talked to property manager.. he is setting up a few showings for this week (showings this weekned did not turn out.. ) also he got a call from someone who wants a short term rental.. some insurance case (fire at his house) and is looking at 6 months.. maybe more. He can pay a premium and since living in a hotel can move in right away.. a 6-9 month lease would put me in a MUCH BETTER time of year to rerent so we are considering it..PM is following up for details..ALSO got news on the non paying renter.. she is moving out this weekend, plans to pay a few hundred on move out day and we will try to sign her up for a payment plan. these are all words right but sound good. PM already has folks lined up for next week to do a quick fix up of that house and then will immediately look to rent it. As house next door is vacant now too we really want to fill that so the two do not compete against each other.
About it.
Praying for good news and closure on something.. (good closure)..
Customizing my resume for thsi job and then off to bed to read to relax.
Posted in
6 homes-rentals,
Short Refinance,
General rental updates,
Job search
July 26th, 2014 at 04:19 pm
Hi all.,
THANKS for the feedback and ideas for the commute. I will try to leave later next week (leave 7:45am and come home at 4:30 pm .. (get home at 6).. that way I can work out in the am and get stuff done and feel normal and not be so sleep deprived. Going to library today for books on tape.
Boss gets back Tuesday will ask him if I can work at home 2 days a week.. Friday's drive was EASY by the way and coincidentally that is the day I did both my interviews so that is why my estimates were so screwed up. Turns out FRiday everyone works at home. If I get 2 work at home days (and I will push for them.. others have them) I will take Mon, Wed work at home, Tues/Thurs office and Fridays drive was easy so office there too.
Got feelers out for jobs... per recruiters we are in a job lull right but expecting it to pick up in Aug/Sept w budgets. I want a work at home job.. even part work at home..
Loan appraisal ordered.. should happen early next week (will have to work at home or take day off).. need $525k value
6 homes.. fix up on that one house is done.. looking at it in 30 shoudl rerent fast (guy said he had people stopping by during rehab). House next door (rent situation) Lady asked for rent help for one month from the county and if she gets that she can catch up in full within a month. She wants to stay she says. I feel I do not have a handle on that at all. I am the ONLY ONE talkking to her. THe new PM is saying 'well I called her and left messages' and then she sends a letter. I need someone who can aggressively get a handle on things. I told her this last week I need her to go out there and figure out what is going on and 'assess' the situation and give me her opinion. Basically I feel I am running these homes myself and I do not have time for that. Some other miscommunications occurred too. I talk to new PM today but she does not appear to 'have the time' to get out to the homes and does not appear to want too (has complained several times about the time she is putting in). .Doing what???. You can not run these homes entirely from your office and phone. Sometimes you have to earn your money. Anyway frustarted in her unwilingness to 'get things done'.
That is a WHOLE POST which I will post later today.
Frustrated and strained w the 6 homes situation. I did a pros/cons of each property manager and went over it w some people and w the 'cons' I listed if they were 'fixable' or 'able to be mitigated;
I will share later for thoughts and I want thoughts.
Not giving up on mew Pm and she has some good points which I have learned from and can take elsewhere but her inability or unwillingness to jump in or lack of time is a BIG ISSUE. I can not run these homes by myself. Even w the 'rehab'. I am running it all on my own.. w Matt (other guy) he could meet contractors etc.. remind me of stuff I forget and 'get it done'
W this lady not paying.. (course I do not know the following) but I am fairly certain based on past experiences. He would have called until he reached her or stopped by until he reached her.. assessed the situation (yes she is going to pay. no she is not.. lets rerent it) and coordinated the move out or clearly established guidelines for the payments..I would not be sitting here in the dark.. calling her myself.. Crazy!
W this house (rehabbing) he woudl have had it up on the market by now (probably w it in such good shape had folks lined up to rent it or be investigating backgrounds already etc) and reminded me of stuff the contractor just did today and taken care of it. I do not ahve time to be hands on w these homes. I need someone who can be actively involved.. I told the new PM that I can make calls.. (and I have made calls and gotten through) I pay her to do more.
Frustrated and needs these homes smoothed out so I can move on to other stuff..
Too much energy spent being frustrated and less total energy available w this insane job.
I do not want to get off track and am off track now so need to get back ON. I am happier that way.
Posted in
6 homes-rentals,
General rental updates,
Main home refinance,
Job search
July 25th, 2014 at 12:05 am
HI all
At this point just diarying..
Not my usual (hopefully) upbeat self.
REALLY REALLY down and discouraged.
Both work at home jobs fell throough.. no word from my old boss but do not have super hope w that. Each day at work is worse and worse. It is unbelievable to me that I have to go back there tomorrow and next week and whatever
I hate it. Rush hour back.. no matter what time I leave is at least an hour and a half.
I am exhausted after work (not from work.. work is easy) from the drive.. feet hurt.. back hurts.. stressed out of my mind. ANGRY (at who. I do not know.. LIFE .. ME!!??)
I jhave moments of calm where I am tryign to think of ways to immprove things/not focus on it/be positive/get productive.. whatever.. whatever.... today I listened to 'Oprah' on xm (get my mind off it) but really that can only last so long.. I am in the carfor an hour and half stop and go.. Friday is coming up.I can not imagine what that traffic will be like..and there is NO WAY OUT. I have to drive home and no matter when I do.. it is the same rush hour trafic..leaving at 3pm is just as bad..
I am feeeling sortof like the life and enjoyoment is being sucked out of me. I am so tired all the time.
Main home refinance.. still ongoing. my frustration w that is probably because I am so angry and stressed and TIRED all the time
Anyway.. they raised the points to 2.. so 4 points total.. 2 to broker, 2 to bank, 6%, 30 years, 5 year arm. they raised hte loan to $315k to cover all costs. I do not want to add debt w this so was trying to pay it all myself. (I did not know they need taxes paid in full thsi uyear. was hoping to use that towards costs).. SSTILL FAXING in endless docs.. They think house will appraise at $525k. I am SO DISCOURAGED AND UPSET..can not think anymore.
Just VERY DISCOURAGED and impacting everything
Loan payment would be over $1100 less than what it is now..
I was thinking of selling my car today (truck) just so I could take some time off and search for a job that way. I seriously can NOT imagine showing up again day after day after day. I need to maintain working w a paychedck while this loan goes through..
I am also thinking (and you can think I am insane and post comments ) of getting a doctors note that I injured my foot, broke my leg whatever, totalled my car.. ANYTHING so I can work at home for a week or two to get my head on straight and get hopefully a good start on job searching. Absent htat I will ask my boss if I can work at home starting next week for 2 days (norm is 1 day after 3 months) I can not last that long.
In the contracct world.. jobs come fast. so really from the time I get contacted to 'hearing if hired or not' is generally 2- 3 weeks and just having that RESOLVED will lower my stress and discouragemnet 10 million fold. .. even if I start 2 weeks after that
That and having this loan CLOSE and the 6 homes smoothed out
I do not have energy to deal w 6 homes right now.
Posted in
General rental updates,
Job search
July 22nd, 2014 at 11:27 pm
HI all
New job update. REALLY REALLY REALLY BAD> I am so upset.. travel is WAY LONGER than I had thgouht.. WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!longer and MUCH MORE stressful.
I called my boss after the end of hte first day and asked if I could have my old job back and am recontacting that work at home job and am active on careerbuilder. I should hear on both tomorrow and Friday. I feel so bad I took this.
Drive in is an hour there and drive back seems 1 hour 15 or and 30.. all death defying stop and go.. rollover car accident today and passed 3 flat tires.. really it is only a mtter of time until I get into an accident or an incident
If the job was nearer it would be great but if the drive is like this now I can not imagine hitting an accident, snow, rain anything..
I left at 3:40 pm today and got home at 5:20 and this morning I left at 6:15 to get their early so I could leave early. I can hardly sleep at night I am so upset and worreid that i have to be up on time to leave on time. I have no time to do anything in the am and am too upset stressed from the stop and go drive to do anything after work and thsi is with flex time!
Work at home 1 day a week shoudl start in a month (some people say 3 months wait though). and only 1 day a week. I simply can not live like this...I am exhausted stressed and angry
I will actively search for another job and hope one of the two calls I made comes through (if I get my old job back it is short term so I will look for a work at home job or LOCAl job from there) ..
I made a MAJOR MISTAKE taking this job.

Posted in
Job search
July 21st, 2014 at 03:02 am
HI all,
New job jitters. I start tomorrow.I should know 3 people there already.. none were super great friends but 'work friends' (all guys. I want some girl friends! to laugh and joke with ).. I have to dress dressy business casual for this job and drive (just looked it up).. FORTY miles each way.
REALLY wishing those work at home job worked out and wondering if I should have held out for one.. having regrets.. second thoughts based on the drive and dressing up. I have not had to do either in possibly 6 years..
So NEW change.
HOPE it is not as bad as i am working it up to be in my mind. JHearing about those (seemingly GOLDEN) work at homes jobs really changed my perspective... sortof like when a salesman shows you something you fall in love with and then find out you can not afford.
Anyway.. onward.. I will leave an hour and half early tomorrow but normal drive should take 45-50 minutes.. some guy I know lives out here too so I will ask him his route.
Hoping to start flex time asap so I can get their early and leave early.
I CAN NOT WAIT until I am not so tied into making as much money as I can .. just want these 6 homes to smooth out and then eventually get paid off and everything else to smooth out too. It did not appear difficult to make $100k or $50 hr with work at home or Naperville jobs.. just do not want to take that drop right now.
Should hear on loan tommorrow (in writing)and possibly the 2nd chance $60/work at home job..
Afraid I will ahve much less freedom and flexibility and time with this job I took.
MAJOR pre job second guessing happening over here.
I am starting either Atkins or hte Wheat Belly diet tomorrow to drop 10 lbs and resuming working out. I drop weight easily but have not been working out at all. Working out MAJORLY helps my stress and confidence.. I never did gain the weight back I lost on Atkins (4 lbs) but want to have these slacks fit looser again.
Prayers that the loan and 6 homes work out quikly this week.. TOO MUCH going on!!
I am still actively looking for work trying to mail down a work at home job.. if I suddenly fall in love w this job I have I will stay but until them seeking nearer and work at home
Will start looking at cars.. Honda, Toyota or Nissan Altima to start figuring out the car decision. (used)
Posted in
Job search